Chapters > Chapters Advisory Council > Steering Committee > 2021 Chapters Advisory Council Steering Committee
2021 Chapters Advisory Council Steering Committee
Members per Region
Pierre-Jean Darres (Canada Québec Chapter)
Region: North America
Position: Steering Committee Chair
Wadzanai Ndlovu (Zimbabwe Chapter)
Region: Africa
Position: Steering Committee Vice Chair
Satish Babu (India Trivandrum Chapter)
Region: Asia-Pacific
Position: Steering Committee Secretary
Nabil Bukhalid (Lebanon Chapter)
Region: Middle East
Jordi Domingo-Pascual (Spain Catalonia Chapter)
Region: Europe
Roberto Zambrana (Bolivia Chapter)
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Non-geographical Members
Adebunmi Akinbo (Nigeria Chapter)
Anna Amoomo
(Namibia Chapter)
German M. Fajardo Muriel (Colombia Chapter)
Useful Links
ChAC Formal Recommendations, Reports, and Updates to the Board of Trustees
All ChAC Steering Committee Members
Adebunmi Akinbo
Adebunmi Adeola Akinbo is the CEO of DNS Africa Media and Communications. He is the Founder/Team Lead for Community NetHUBs Africa, Culture Games Africa, and sits on the board of trustees for Africa ICT Foundation (AfICTF). Adebunmi is a member of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) Community. He was a pioneer member of the board of trustees, served as…
…NiRA Acting Chief Operations Officer, and was a former NiRA Director. He is a local content ambassador, sportsman, research expert, and poet.
He is the Secretary to the governing board of the Association for Information and Communication Technology Local Content (ICTLOCA), and the Secretary-General for the Internet Society (ISOC) Nigeria Chapter. He also runs KOBOKINGs Limited, an innovation channel for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals to promote the Poverty Reduction Strategic Papers (PRSP).
Adebunmi has received many awards, including the NiRA Presidential Award for Youth Development. He also runs two online radio stations to empower citizens in rural areas.
Anna Amoomo
HR officer turned Tech enthusiasts and the current president of the Internet Society, Namibia Chapter. She is an Africa youth mobile trainee 2019, an Internet Society Fellow, and an Africa Coding Week trainer. She was recently appointed by the Ministry of Information Communication and Technology in Namibia to be a member of the Cyber Security Committee. She holds an Advance…
…Diploma in Hardware and software technology and network administration and currently pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Business Management.
Satish Babu
Satish Babu is an active volunteer in multiple organizations including Internet Society, ICANN and IEEE, and has been a member of Internet Society since 2009. He is the founder-Chair of ISOC India Trivandrum Chapter and has been involved with the ChAC Steering Committee since 2018. He is currently the Chair of APRALO and APSIG. Satish is a co-founder of the…
…the India School on Internet Governance, successfully bringing together four Indian ISOC Chapters to organize the annual event for the last five editions.
He is an early user of the Internet and passionately believes in the need to maintain the Internet as a single, open, free, unfragmented communication medium and information repository that has the potential to improve the lives of billions of its users. More information on Satish.
Nabil Bukhalid
Nabil Bukhalid is the President of Internet Society Lebanon Chapter, an Internet evangelist and Internet Hall of Fame inductee. Nabil is currently consulting in areas including Internet infrastructure and services, economic and social development utilizing technology, open data and the Internet, datacenters and cloud services, higher education networks, project management, Internet governance and intersection of Internet policy and technology. He…
…has lead technology efforts focused on Internet infrastructure, governance and socio-economic impact.
Nabil has made significant contributions to the introduction and development of the Internet in Lebanon. He has served since 1993 as the .LB Administrator and Registrar.
Nabil is also the co-founder of the Lebanese Broadband Manifesto Support Group and BeirutIX. He is also a co-founder and president of the Internet Society Lebanon Chapter (ISOC-LB), co-founder and CEO of the Lebanese Internet Center (LINC), co-founder and vice-president of LebIX and advisory board member of the Lebanese Canadian Tech Hub.
He served for thirty years as the director of computing and networking services and chief enterprise architect at the American University of Beirut. Nabil attended AUB, where he earned both his BEE (1981) and EMBA (2006).
Wadzanai Chihombori Ndlovu
Wadzanai Ndlovu works at the intersection of Policy, Access to information and the Internet, an information scientist by profession. She works extensively with both civil society and public institutions, offering her input on policy development and implementation. Beyond Internet Society, Wadzanai’s passion lies in bridging the digital divide and connecting the unconnected, especially the marginalized societies. Experience and interest…
…culminated in Wadzanai’s cogent input during the drafting of her native Zimbabwe’s ICT Policy, the Computer Crime and Cyber Security Bill. She is the Head of the Policy and Governance Desk of the Internet Society Zimbabwe Chapter (ISOC-ZW). She is passionate about seeing more young people, especially women and girls become beneficiaries of affordable and accessible Internet serving their development needs.
Pierre-Jean Darres
Pierre-Jean is a private advisor in international development, supporting organizations, governments and companies in their growth within and towards foreign markets. He advises on various industries and sectors, including Internet and related technologies and services. Pierre-Jean has been Treasurer and Secretary of the Internet Society Canada Québec Chapter since 2017. He is also part of the Beyond The Net Large…
…Grants selection committee, and the current Chair of the ChAC Steering Committee.
Jordi Domingo-Pascual
Jordi Domingo-Pascual is a Full Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTECH), where he specializes in computer networks and ethics in research and innovation, and new network architectures. Jordi has been an Internet Society member since 2002, an ISOC-CAT member since 2004, and an ISOC-CAT chapter delegate since 2015. He joined the ISOC-CAT board in 2017 and became…
…President in March 2020.
He is volunteering as a member of the Chapter Advisory Council because he thinks the role of the chapters is of utmost importance for the Internet Society. He believes that the recommendations made by the CHAC are a useful contribution to the board and the whole community of members.
German M. Fajardo Muriel
German Fajardo Muriel is an Electrical Engineer and Telematics Specialist from the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá Colombia), with a postgraduate degree in Management and Business Administration (MBA) from Northeastern University (Boston – USA). He has more than 29 years of professional experience in the telecommunications and ICT sector…
…Since 1991 he has been Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and in 2014 we was recognized as IEEE Senior Member (the highest professional grade of the IEEE in recognition of his professional standing). Since 2011 he is Global Member of the Internet Society (ISOC) and Founder Member of the Internet Society Colombia Chapter, officially created in October 2018.
Currently, German is President at OhmTel Ltda and Chapters Advisory Council (ChAC) Steering Committee Member at Internet Society. Previously, he held technical, commercial and management positions in public, private owned and non-for profit companies. He has participated as Member of the Board of Directors of companies in the telecommunications sector (operators, research centers, services providers, Internet Society Colombia Chapter, among others), in the oil sector (distributors of products derived from oil and gas), as well as in Public-Private Partnerships (for the provision of telecommunications services, fiber optic deployment using energy infrastructure and operation of satellite services in the Andean Community).
During 2020 his contributions to the ChAC Steering Committee include the participation in the definition of the amending proposal of the ChAC Charter as well as of the ChAC Rules and Procedures, and he would like to contribute to the completion of this important process in order to be implemented during 2021. Curriculum Vitae
Roberto Zambrana
Roberto Zambrana is from La Paz, Bolivia. He is an electronics and telecommunications engineer and has a Master´s degree in telecommunications. He also has taken several post-graduate courses on wireless and computer networks, has a higher education diploma and currently he is a PhD candidate in the network security field. He has been working in telecommunications, information systems and Internet…
…fields for more than twenty years. Since 2002 he has been involved in different activities related to ICT for development. Leading the ICT Program for the largest university in Bolivia, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, teaming with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and with the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER). After that he was appointed as ICT Senior Advisor for the Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (GeSCI), working directly with the Bolivian Education Ministry in their ICT Program. He also worked for the Telecommunications Vice Ministry, supervising several telecommunications programs related to community networks, Internet regulation and mobile telephony systems. After that, he worked for the Science and Technology Vice Ministry and for the Bolivian Information Society Development Agency, in charge of the design of the National Scientific and Academic Network. As part of his activities during that time, he was invited by Florencio Utreras to participate as a representative of Bolivia in the Red CLARA assembly.
Roberto has attended several events around the world, has been invited as a speaker in different topics related to his work. He was also part of the Bolivian delegation to attend the second phase of the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunisia in 2005.
During the past 10 years he has been in charge of the ICT Sector in the local Government of La Paz city, part of his responsibilities are related to policy formulation and legislative drafts elaboration regarding telecommunications infrastructure and Internet service.
Besides his professional activities, Roberto is also a member of the Bolivian academic and research community. For the last fifteen years, he has taught in several universities for undergraduate and post-graduate programs related to telecommunications, computer and wireless networks, and network security and management. He is also a moderator for ISOC training courses, “Building Wireless Community Networks”, and “Shaping the Internet – History & Future”.
Regarding his activities as a technical community and civil society member, in January 2017, he was elected to serve as Chair of the Board of the ISOC Bolivian Chapter. During his term he organized the first and second Bolivian Internet Governance Forums, acquiring the role of coordinator of the Bolivian National Regional Initiative (NRI). In December 2019, he was appointed to serve as a member of IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG).