The Internet Society Nominations Committee has received a petition by Robert Blinov to add his name to the slate of candidates for the Organization Members election to the Internet Society board of trustees. Following is additional information provided by Robert Blinov.

Election in which you wish to be considered a candidate:

Organization Members Election

Statement regarding your availability to devote appropriate time to board service:

Starting mid-June I will have more than enough time to devote to Board service. My job is remote and schedule-free.

Statement regarding the kind of contribution you would like to make to the board:

As a web designer and lover of all things decentralised, I understand how and when the internet works best. I will contribute this expertise towards making the right choices as part of the Board.

Declaration of potential conflicts of interest:


The petition mailbox for signatures (i.e. emails) in support of this petition request is: [email protected]

See the petitions page for details on supporting petitions.