InterCommunity 2017 Interactive Regional Nodes

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CAIRO, Egypt

19 September 2017, 10:00 – 11:00 (EET/UTC+2)

ISOC Egypt Chapter (Internet Masr)
10:00 – 10:50: Live Panel: Digital Divides

Out of the three Impact Areas identified by The Future of the Internet report, the Egypt node has chosen Digital Divides to be the theme of the node discussion.  The following set of questions are intended to serve as a “conversation starter”:

  • In a worldwhere everyone has Internet access, will all segments of society have an equal opportunity to meaningfully participate in and benefit from the Internet?
  • Will countries with advanced Internet technology, infrastructure, and innovation accelerate their lead or will developing regions close the gap?
  • Will differences in connection technology, quality, and level of Internet openness lead to fundamentally different Internet experiences and levels of opportunity for users?

Moderator: Baher Esmat, VP, Stakeholder Engagement -Middle East, ICANN

Find the full day programme below.

Four Seasons Nile Plaza
1089 Corniche El Nil
Cairo, Egypt

Full Day Programme
08:30 – 09:30 Registration and Coffee
09:30 – 10:00 Opening
10:00 – 10:10 Cairo node joins InterCommunity
– Welcome by ISOC Board of Trustees (remote)
– Welcome by Mahmoud Allam, Internet Masr
– Context and Topic Overview
10:10 – 10:45 Interactive Discussion on Digital Divide
– In a world where everyone has Internet access, will all
segments of society have an equal opportunity to meaningfully
participate in and benefit from the Internet?
– Will countries with advanced Internet technology,
infrastructure, and innovation accelerate their lead or will
developing regions close the gap?
– Will differences in connection technology, quality, and level of
Internet openness lead to fundamentally different Internet
experiences and levels of opportunity for users?
Moderator: Baher Esmat, Internet Masr
10:45 – 10:50 Highlights and Conclusions
10:50 – 11:00 Celebration and Session Ownership Transfer
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Panel on the Future Digital Divide:
As the Internet becomes an integral part of life, the digital divide
evolves to measure the inclusion of communities into today’s digital
environment. Yet with the fast and ongoing evolution of the
Internet, new digital gaps are emerging.
– What will the future digital divide look like and how will it affect
the Global South?
– How will evolving Internet challenges, in areas of privacy, data
protection, net neutrality and cybersecurity, influence the
digital gap and shape the future of the Internet?
– Robin Wilton, Internet Society
– Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TBD)
– Sherif El Kassas, American University in Cairo
Moderator: Sherif Hashem, EG-CERT
13:00 – 13:10 Closing by Mahmoud Soliman, Internet Masr
13:10 – 14:30 Networking Lunch
Date and Time

Tuesday 18 February 2025