An ATM screen showing no functionality

Global Tech Outage Demonstrates Need for Resiliency in Software Systems

Today’s global outage of many systems was not an Internet outage, but it demonstrates the need for greater resilience in all our technical systems.

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Wires connecting to each other in a web

The US FCC Signals a Dangerous New Course on BGP Security

The US Federal Communications Commission recently released a draft Declaratory Ruling and Order in the Open Internet Proceeding. However, there is concerning language (paragraph 46) in this ruling that strongly ...
Photo of the Mexican flag blowing in the wind

Protection for Intermediaries Is Vital for the Internet in Mexico

We often overlook the factors that enable the Internet to accommodate a wide range of applications, from real-time surgeries to viral memes, and individual expression. Some of those factors are ...
A photo of a busy subway car with multiple people looking at their phones.

When “Free” Comes With Strings Attached

“Free streaming subscription with mobile plan!”
“Data-free music streaming!”
”Use these top 3 social apps without using up your data!”
These are just a few examples of the types of promotions you’ll ...
Photo of a group of people on stage, centered around Nojus Saad, previous Internet Society Youth Ambassador

The Future is Now: A Young Changemaker’s Journey

Nojus Saad is an Internet changemaker. His work with Internet Society and his foundation is impacting the Internet of today and tomorrow ...
The Canadian Parliament building at the top of a forested hill.

What Governments Can Learn from Canada when Regulating Online Harms

Canada's Online Harms Act should be an example of how to protect the fundamentals of the Internet while improving online safety ...
A youth engrossed in their phone.

Nevada Wants to Reduce Online Protections for Children: All Internet Users Should Benefit from Strong Encryption

Protect children online by supporting end-to-end encryption in Facebook Messenger. Join us in the fight against weakening online protection for kids in Nevada ...
Man on a roof holding a satellite dish for a community network

Everything You Need to Know to Build a Community Network

Want to build a community network but don't know where to start? Look no further than the Community Network DIY Toolkit ...
A group photo of women in West Mali holding their course certificates from the DDCN training course.

Bridging the Unemployment Gap for Young Female Graduates

Women in Mali are bridging the unemployment gap by learning practical skills in Internet Society hands-on training courses ...