An ATM screen showing no functionality

Global Tech Outage Demonstrates Need for Resiliency in Software Systems

Today’s global outage of many systems was not an Internet outage, but it demonstrates the need for greater resilience in all our technical systems.

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Achieving Greater Heights for MANRS

Partnering with the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA), we believe that MANRS will continue to be further established as the globally recognized benchmark for global routing security ...
Group of people talking with each other at a technical community event

Resources and Tools for Starting a Technical Community

Technical communities are our best partners to create a global movement of experts working together to build a stronger and more resilient Internet.
Explore how you can start your own group ...
EU flags at the European Commission Berlaymont building

Network Usage Fees: The European Commission Plays Politics with the Global Internet

The European Commission is playing politics with the global Internet. It’s time it clearly rejected the idea of “network usage fees” once and for all. What is the European Commission ...
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Building More Affordable and Reliable Internet Access in the Arctic

This community network connects over 50 households in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories of Canada. It runs a cellular (4G LTE) Internet access network dedicated to fair access to underserved communities at ...
Photograph of London's Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament at night

Techxit: The UK Declares Its Exit from the High-Tech Startup World

No one in their right mind would now want to start up a high-tech company in the UK. With a last-minute addition to the Online Safety Bill (OSB), the UK ...
Red and white striped windsock blowing in the wind.

What’s the Internet Like Today?

Every day as I get my son ready for daycare, I recite seven words: “Hey Google, what’s the weather like today?” The results from this now-‘ritual’ search dictate what he’ll ...
Silhouettes of people standing in front of the Ocean in Tuvalu at sunset.

Could Tuvalu Sink Twice?

The small island nation of Tuvalu is slowly disappearing into the Pacific. Could Internet fragmentation cause it to disappear forever? ...
Water droplet in water creating ripples

Encryption, Bad Bills, and Ripple Effects: How Riana Pfefferkorn Protects the Internet

We spoke with Riana Pfefferkorn, research scholar at the Stanford Internet Observatory, about encryption and protecting the Internet ...