Internet Society and UNESCO Offer a Capacity Building Program for Judges Thumbnail
Internet's Future 9 April 2019

Internet Society and UNESCO Offer a Capacity Building Program for Judges

By Israel RosasDirector, Partnerships and Internet Development

Trust is vital to the future of the Internet. The best way to build it is to let a diverse group of people and interested organizations contribute their experience and knowledge. For this reason, the Internet Society and the UNESCO Regional Office has developed a capacity-building program for judges, prosecutors, public defenders, and other judicial operators in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This program shares our vision for an open, globally-connected, trustworthy, and secure Internet for everyone. We allied with UNESCO to incorporate a plan related to freedom of expression, privacy, encryption, and access to public information. In this way the program responds to the needs of judicial operators facing real cases related to the use of the Internet.

For Raquel Gatto, Senior Policy Advisor of the Internet Society, the program represents an unprecedented opportunity: “The technical foundations of the Internet show us that collaboration is a fundamental factor for the functioning of the network. The Internet is a network of networks that trust each other, allowing interconnection. The Internet can not exist without such collaboration”.

Guilherme Canela, Regional Councilor for Communication and Information of UNESCO, says, “For 5 years, UNESCO, in cooperation with the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Human Rights System, and many other international partners, has developed the Judges Initiative, which seeks to deepen the dialogue with Ibero-American judicial operators on Freedom of Expression, Access to Information and Security for Journalists. In this framework, more than 8,000 judges, prosecutors, public defenders, and other judicial operators have already gone through the training offered by the initiative. In the interaction with these operators, their interest in deepening knowledge about the broad Internet agenda is clear. That is why we are proud of this cooperation with the Internet Society, which will offer this opportunity for additional training for those who have already gone through the basic modules of the Judges Initiative”.

The program will be divided into two phases and will have a capacity for 1,000 people. During the first phase, participants will have access to topics related to the technical and policy principles of the Internet ecosystem, the foundations of the Internet Governance system, and the actors involved in the community. Participants who successfully complete the first phase of the program will access a second phase, consisting of a series of discussions led by experts on current issues of the Internet ecosystem, including privacy, freedom of expression, and encryption on the Internet.

Interested applicants can request registration through a simple form. The registration period is open from 21 March to 12 April. Those selected will receive a notification on 16 April to start the first phase of the course on the 22 April.

The Internet is a network of networks that interact with each other on a voluntary basis. Collaboration is part of the fundamental architecture of the Internet, which is why we promote this approach for security and trust. Together, as a community, we can contribute to trust in the ecosystem and continue working for an open, globally-connected, trustworthy, and secure Internet for everyone.

Read about the collaborative security approach to tackling Internet issues.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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