Chapterthon 2021 > Chapterthon 2021 Projects

Chapterthon 2021 Projects

We are the Internet Society. Together, we advocate, educate, collaborate, and mobilize for a healthy, thriving Internet for all.

For our 2021 Chapterthon, Internet Society chapters developed projects that make a meaningful difference in their communities and beyond. They chose a pressing issue and collaborated to solve it.

Now you can pay it forward! Download the blueprints, then replicate and scale the impact of the projects.

Chapterthon winners from each of region will win an award package, including the opportunity to host their own booth at the Internet Society Community Week (November 2021) to present their Chapterthon projects to the wider community.

Through the community voting, you made your voice heard, electing five Chapterthon winners, one per region. 

Congratulations to Guinea Chapter (Africa), Sri Lanka Chapter (Asia-Pacific), Armenia Chapter (Europe), Haiti Chapter (Latin America and the Caribbean) and Yemen Chapter (Middle East).

A big thank you to our chapters! Review all the manuals and tutorials submitted.

Armenia Chapter: Internet-connected rural libraries with WiFi access points for library visitors as community network nodes

The project was devoted to creating a network of digitized and Internet-connected rural libraries with preinstalled library management software and WiFi access points for library visitors. In this way, the libraries are becoming community network nodes.

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Guinea Chapter: Formation sur les aspects technique des réseaux communautaires des acteurs impliqués

Ce projet sur les aspects techniques des réseaux communautaires consiste a prouvé la faisabilité technique des réseaux communautaires aux acteurs concernés à fin de favorisé la réglementation en faveurs des réseaux communautaires. Cette plaidoirie va permettre de réduire la fracture numérique en les zones favorisées et défavorisées.

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Haiti Chapter: TechnoKid

We train future leaders and increase the percentage of children in STEAM by organizing coding camps and entrepreneurship for 20 children (age group 7-11 years) in rural areas of Haiti specifically in the North of Haiti (Cap Haitien).

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Sri Lanka Chapter: Internet Gaming Addiction Prevention Project (IGAPP)

Gaming Addiction has been increased and many discussed it as a social issue and we identified it as a negative impact of the pandemic. Children were asked to do their studies online. The demand for devices and internet connections increased rapidly. Same time children explored various games via the devices and some of them are being addicted to them.

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Yemen Chapter: Online Help Electronic Stage for Women – OHSW

In Yemen, there is no platform or concerned party that provides technical support for women. Our project focuses on how women can help each other, Our project focus on making online electronic stage for women that can help women to gather and meet with each other to exchange their knowledge and give technical support for other women , this support and consultation done by women themselves.

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Belgium Chapter: isTrusted

isTrust, or internet society Trust, is a free privacy by design and open-source browser extension to check if a website is of trust or not, with link to the local Internet Society Chapter, so yes also your chapter (try it!). This first version works for all generic domains + some country domains, and can be enriched: join isTrust project team!

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Benin Chapter: ENIOLA

Le projet Eniola est un projet qui vise à augmenter les opportunités offertes aux filles de mieux connaitre Internet et le numérique et d’y faire une carrière. Il consiste à développer un didacticiel de contenus adaptés aux enfants et soutenu par une application à caractère éducatif qui peut être utilisé.

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Bolivia Chapter: Conectando Suri hacia el mundo

La localidad de SURI en el Departamento de La Paz, en Bolivia, ha estado desconectada del mundo. Debido a la ubicación geográfica, las comunicaciones móviles son inestables. Por esta razón, el proyecto ha aportado significativamente a la calidad de vida de sus habitantes, demostrando que, no importa cuán alejada pueda estar una población, siempre es posible brindar una solución de conectividad.

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Botswana Chapter: Internet 101 For Law Makers

Internet 101 For Law Makers is a digital skills training for Law Makers and Politicians so that they can be proactive in advocating for internet policies that promote secure internet for all.

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Brazil Chapter: Dedfending LGBTQIA+ Rights in Brazil

Encryption can empower LGBTQIA+ people to explore, connect and meet others securely, so we built and spread knowledge about the interface between LGBTQIA+ rights and encryption in Brazil.

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Gambia Chapter: Preparing the Future of the Internet

Kids in Technology Hackathon & Exhibition. This project focused on a Hackathon for Kids. After a long intensive week of training, the children were able to create and built products that would be useful in our society.

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Ghana Chapter: Community Encryption Awareness Challenge “why encryption matters to me and community”

Encryption Awareness in Ghana, a fight against online crime. The Internet Society Ghana Chapter launched a Community Encryption Awareness Challenge “why encryption matters to me and my community”.

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Kenya Chapter: Advocacy for Open Standards Everywhere / Securing Web Servers

In 2021, the Internet Society Kenya Chapter embarked on creating awareness on the vulnerability of websites. Indeed we sampled a few sites and worked on securing them adequately. This has led to increased desire by web administrators to use the tools available and secure the Internet in general. We have commitments to complete the projects but are time-constrained.

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Madagascar Chapter: Apprendre avec Internet (Mianatra miaraka @ net)

Apprendre avec internet (Mianatra miaraka @ net), un projet du chapter Madagascar qui vise à apprendre et à montrer aux collégiens qu’Internet peut être un réel outil de travail scolaire mais pas seulement un accessoire de divertissement.

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Mali Chapter: E-Infirmerie

Dans le cadre du Chapterthon 2021, ISOC MALI a mis au point une application mobile dénommée e-infirmier. Cette application a pour rôle principal la mise en relation les patients et les prestataires de soins. Elle permet également de localiser les centres de santé et les laboratoires d’analyse. Cette application permettra de soulager la population malienne sur l’ensemble du territoire national avec une dématérialisation du processus de prise de contact avec les prestataires de soins.

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Namibia Chapter: Promote Internet project’s policy recommendations

Promote Internet project’s policy recommendations through webinars, videos, online campaigns.

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Rwanda Chapter: Smart Teacher

The SMART TEACHER project by the Rwanda Chapter aims at bridging the digital divide for 10 teachers of G.S Nyirarukobwa to help them gain access to digital devices and education by providing smartphones and training.

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South Africa Chapter: Improvement and translation of the Internet-In-A-Box for Everyone

Download our manual, read it, start building – and tell us how we can make it better.

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Uganda Chapter: Inclusive digital awareness training for Persons With Disability at Ntinda School for the Deaf

The aim for this project is to help enhance digital knowledge, raise awareness and to ensure PWDs learn best practices on managing online threats and empowering them to ensure digital rights of Persons with Disabilities are respected.

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Zimbabwe Chapter: Hustle: The Internet as a job market during the Covid 19

During the Covid19 induced lockdowns informally employed youths in low income communities lost their livelihoods. Young people in the Zimbabwe Chapter designed an internet based job market. Hustle is an app that allows young jobseekers to connect to people who require their job services. The app was designed to serve the informal job market.

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