Community Snapshot—January
The Internet Society community works tirelessly to defend the Internet locally, regionally, and globally. Here’s a brief snapshot of what’s been happening over the last month around the world.
Latest Posts

Consumers International Summit: Making IoT Privacy and Security a Priority
Each day, more and more of us buy products that connect to the Internet, such as personal assistants, fitness monitors, appliances, and home security systems. Odds are you have one, ...

The Internet of Things: Why ‘Trust By Design’ Matters
As we have seen vividly in recent years, inadequate security and privacy protections in the Internet of Things (IoT) can have devastating impacts – on Internet users and core infrastructure ...

Internet of Things Devices as a DDoS Vector
As adoption of Internet of Things devices increases, so does the number of insecure IoT devices on the network. These devices represent an ever-increasing pool of computing and communications capacity ...

2019 African Chapters Advocacy Meeting and Internet of Things Security Engagement Workshop
The 2019 African Chapters Advocacy Meeting will take place from 8-11 April 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia alongside an Internet of Things (IoT) Security and Privacy Engagement Workshop with the ...

IoT Security, Privacy Vital from the Outset
For any new technology to be trusted, it must be secure. That is why privacy and security are essential to the development of new technologies from the outset. They must ...

Working Together the Internet Way to Build Success in North America
One of the most common lines you’ll hear in the virtual halls of the Internet Society is that the Internet’s success is due to its open, distributed, and global nature ...

Seeking Canadian Feedback: Draft Report on Securing the Internet of Things in Canada
Trying to remove cyber security risks from the growing world of connected things is not an easy task. That said, there’s no time like World Consumer Rights Day to give ...