Consumers International Summit: Making IoT Privacy and Security a Priority Thumbnail
Internet of Things (IoT) 26 April 2019

Consumers International Summit: Making IoT Privacy and Security a Priority

By Frédéric DonckFormer Regional Vice President – Europe

Each day, more and more of us buy products that connect to the Internet, such as personal assistants, fitness monitors, appliances, and home security systems. Odds are you have one, two, or even more. There are more than 23 billion of these Internet of Things (IoT) products installed around the globe – roughly triple the world’s population – and that number is growing.

The Internet of Things offers the promise of convenience, efficiency, and more personalized services. However, many of these products are designed with little consideration for basic security and privacy protections.

The Internet Society and Consumers International formed a working partnership last year to address these challenges and to make sure consumers have access to trusted Internet-connected devices. We are proud to be lead partner at the Consumers International Summit, 30 April – 1 May, focused on putting consumers at the heart of digital innovation.

Consumers care deeply about their privacy, security, and how their personal information is collected and handled. On May 1 at the Summit, our President and CEO Andrew Sullivan will unveil new research from Consumers International and the Internet Society exploring what matters most to consumers when buying connected devices. He will also share details on who consumers expect to be responsible for better privacy and security.

During the Summit we will meet with consumer organizations from around the globe, as well as representatives from business, civil society, and governments, to exchange ideas on how we can work together to increase consumer trust online. Several Internet Society Chapter leaders will attend to meet Consumers International members from the same country to open a dialogue for future collaboration on the issue of IoT privacy and security.

Another highlight at the Summit will be convening a high-level group of representatives from governments and organizations to discuss their initiatives on IoT privacy and security guidelines. The IoT Security Policy Platform members will identify common areas of overlap and explore best practices as an opportunity for global coordination to enhance IoT security and protect both people and innovation online.

The Internet Society values our partnership with Consumers International, and our shared focus on a trusted Internet for everyone. Watch for more details when we announce the IoT research findings on 1 May and how our collaborative work is leading us toward Trust by Design.

Privacy and security should be more than an afterthought. Learn more about Trust by Design and why it matters.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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