2019 African Chapters Advocacy Meeting and Internet of Things Security Engagement Workshop Thumbnail
Building Trust 4 April 2019

2019 African Chapters Advocacy Meeting and Internet of Things Security Engagement Workshop

By Betel HailuManager, Organization Members Engagement

When and where

The 2019 African Chapters Advocacy Meeting will take place from 8-11 April 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia alongside an Internet of Things (IoT) Security and Privacy Engagement Workshop with the Africa Union Commission (AUC), the Africa Telecommunication Union (ATU), the Regional Economic Commissions (RECs), and other partners.

Why we are doing this

In 2019, the Chapter workshops/Advocacy meetings are our main vehicle to mobilize, strengthen, and engage our Chapters and SIGs around our 2019/2020 focus areas and initiatives. We believe that these meetings represent a unique opportunity to define concrete roles for our Chapters/SIGs to work with us on our global initiatives, and create local impact: “Think global, act local.” It is an opportunity to collect inputs from our regional community for future planning and priorities: “From Local to Global.”

How we are doing it

The Chapters meeting, which will mobilize, empower, and engage 30 fellows from 26 Internet Society African chapters and one global SIG to advance the Internet Society 2019 work in the Africa region with a special focus on “Building Trust” (IoT Security Campaign, Privacy & Personal Data Protection, Encryption, User Trust, and Internet Restrictions).

This meeting is also an opportunity to build and strengthen relationships and connections with our Chapters and among Chapters themselves.

Read more about the 2019 African Chapters Advocacy Meeting

Not able to join the meeting in person? Watch the livestream!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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