Deploy360 12 August 2014

Chris Grundemann Speaking at the 2014 Government IPv6 Conference

Chris Grundemann
By Chris GrundemannGuest Author

dgi_logo_bakAfter a long summer at home it is time for me to once again take to the road, or rather the skies. My first trip for the second half of this year will take me to Washington, D.C. next week for the Digital Government Institute’s 8th Annual Government IPv6 & Networking Conference. To be held Wednesday, 20 August 2014, it is the largest IPv6 event specific to the U.S. government IT community. This is a particularly important year for this conference considering the impending 30 September 2014 deadline for all U.S. government agencies to update their public networks to IPv6.

As such, this year’s event is focused on helping transition managers to:

  • Explore best practices, benchmark strategies, and real-world success stories from other agencies for moving to an IPv6-enabled network;
  • Review the benefits of IPv6 adoption;
  • Learn what to do to expand their websites into the world of the next generation of communication;
  • See IPv6 technology demonstrations.

I will be giving my talk breaking down the most common IPv6 security myths, and looking to introduce our government specific IPv6 resources as another tool in this ongoing deployment of the next version of the Internet Protocol. Other featured speakers include Scott A. Bernard, Ph.D., Federal Chief Enterprise Architect, Executive Office of the President, Office of Management & Budget; John Curran, President and CEO, ARIN; Robert Flaim, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI Operational Division, Co-Chair IPv6 Task Force; and Charles Sun, IPv6 Transition Program Manager, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce.

While all of the talks promise to be informative, I am particularly excited to get more details on the U.S. Census Bureau’s IPv6 deployment. Charles was kind enough to provide Deploy360 with some early details of the case study: IPv6 At The U.S. Census Bureau.

As always, a big part of why we travel to these events is to speak with YOU, so if you’re planning on attending the Government IPv6 & Networking Conference & Expo, or if you’ll just be in Washington on the 19th or 20th, contact me and let’s get together and talk about IPv6, Deploy360, BCOP, the IETF, or anything else Deployment and Operationalization focused!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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