Deploy360 2 May 2014

Chris at LACNIC21

Chris Grundemann
By Chris GrundemannGuest Author

lacnic21-promohomeAfter a whirlwind of travel in the first quarter of this year I’ve been fortunate enough to stay at home for most of April to catch up. Now, however, it’s time to get back out on the road! My first stop is Cancun, Mexico, for LACNIC21 being held 4-9 May with the theme of “Building the Future of the Internet: Security, Transparency and Participation.”

Now that I am no longer on the ARIN Advisory Council, I find myself at fewer RIR meetings than I have in the past. This 21st LACNIC meeting promises to be so much more than that though. As you can see from the agenda, there is a whole lot more going on next week than Internet number policy discussions – though there will be plenty of that too. I’ll be presenting on “Security in an IPv6 World” within the Latin American IPv6 Forum (FLIP6), talking a bit about Deploy360 during the Regional Interconnection Forum (NAPLA), and hopefully joining a yet-to-be-scheduled BCOP BoF. I will of course also be attending as many of the other sessions throughout the week as I can. Some highlights include the two panels set for Monday afternoon (one on NETmundial outcomes and one covering the IANA functions), the Internet Society at LACNIC event on Wednesday evening (where I understand our CEO, Kathy Brown, will be in attendance), the IPv6 BoF on Thursday, and Mat Ford’s Routing Resilience Survey update on Friday morning. That’s only a sliver of what’s going on though, check the extended agenda for a more complete look.

If you will be in or near Cancun next week please come find me; to talk about a Deploy360 topic, Best Current Operational Practices (BCOP),  Operator participation in the IETF, or just to introduce yourself! I look forward to it.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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