10 April 2014

Your Input Needed: Operators and the IETF

Chris Grundemann
By Chris GrundemannGuest Author

IETF LogoBack in January we launched a new project, Operators and the IETF, which aims to increase the amount of operator input into the IETF process. To keep from putting any carts in front of our horses, the first phase of this project is focused on gathering information and defining the problem statements. Once we have reached rough consensus on what the problems are, we will move on to proposing strategies for solving identified problems and closing identified gaps.

We believe that these solutions will fall into three general categories:

  1. Things operators and operator groups can do to help.
  2. Things the IETF, IESG, and IAB can do to help.
  3. Things Deploy360 and the Internet Society can do to help.

Before we get there though, we need more input!

In order to have the highest possibility of success, we are taking a very methodical approach to the Operators at the IETF problem and solution space. As I laid out in the initial blog post, we are first seeking information from operators – through the survey, at NOGs and other operator meetings, on email lists, and even at the IETF. An important note is that when I say operators in this context, I’m referring to anyone and everyone who operates a network, whether that be at an ISP, a content provider, an enterprise, a school, or anywhere else.

We need folks with practical network operation experience to provide their thoughts on the IETF – regardless of what they think they know (or don’t know) about the IETF today.

This current information gathering phase of our Operators and the IETF project will last through June, so you still have some time to help out! Here’s how:

If you operate a network, of any kind, we need your input! Tell us if you are active in the IETF or not, and why, in one or more of these three ways:

  1. Take the online survey.
  2. Talk to one of us in person (here’s our picture, so you can find us).
  3. Shoot us an email.

If you’re not an operator, or you already took the survey, you can still help out by spreading the word! Please do feel free to share this project wherever there are operators who may have something to say – and keep the input and ideas coming. The more feedback we get, the better we can understand the real problems, and the easier we’ll be able to identify the right solutions!

Do it now: Take the survey, share the project, and look for us at SEE, SAFNOG, LACNIC, RIPE, AIS, IETF, and elsewhere in the next couple months!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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