IANA Transition
Internet Society congratulates global Internet community on successful IANA stewardship transition.
The Internet Society Board of Trustees joins the Internet community in celebrating today’s historic milestone whereby the stewardship of...
IANA Amicus Brief
Update: Lawsuit is denied. You can access the record of the Hearing Minutes and Order on the website for...
IANA Amicus Brief
Update: Lawsuit is denied. You can access the record of the Hearing Minutes and Order on the website for...
Support for the timely transition of IANA Stewardship
September 12, 2016 The Honorable Charles Grassley Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary 135 Hart Senate Office Building...

The History of IANA
An Extended Timeline with Citations and Commentary Joel Snyder / [email protected] Konstantinos Komaitis / [email protected] Andrei Robachevsky / [email protected]...

Testimony Before The US House About the IANA Stewardship Transition
Today, March 17, 2016, Sally Wentworth testified in a hearing on “Privatizing the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority” before the...
Testimony of Sally Wentworth before U.S. House about IANA Transition
On Thursday, May 17, 2016, Internet Society VP of Global Policy Development Sally Shipman Wentworth will testify before the...
Testimony of Sally Wentworth before U.S. House about IANA Transition
On Thursday, May 17, 2016, Internet Society VP of Global Policy Development Sally Shipman Wentworth will testify before the...

A note to the ISOC Community: Marking our success, building on IANA momentum to keep Internet on track
I have just returned from Marrakech where we marked a historic milestone for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance....
Internet Society Applauds Community-Developed Plan to Transition Oversight of Key Internet Functions
The Internet Society Board of Trustees today passed a resolution to strongly support the plan developed by the global...

Internet Society expresses support for IANA Stewardship Transition Plan
Kathy Brown, President & CEO, provided the following statement to the ICANN Board of Trustees on Thursday, March 10,...
Internet Society Comments on the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal
The Internet Society believes the proposal of the IANA Coordination Group (ICG) meets the principles set forth by NTIA...