Internet Society expresses support for IANA Stewardship Transition Plan Thumbnail
Growing the Internet 10 March 2016

Internet Society expresses support for IANA Stewardship Transition Plan

By Kathryn BrownFormer President / CEO

Kathy Brown, President & CEO, provided the following statement to the ICANN Board of Trustees on Thursday, March 10, 2016 during the Public Forum session at ICANN 55 in Marrakech. Read more about ISOC’s view on our IANA Stewardship Transition page.

The Internet Society believes that the IANA Stewardship Transition package has the broad community backing it deserves. We strongly support it.

Importantly, we believe it does two things:

  1. It ensures the continued stability of key technical functions that are a core part of the smooth operation of the Internet, and
  2. It provides the path forward for strengthening the stewardship role of the ICANN community.

What the community has delivered is quite remarkable.

It has taken courage to persist in the face of our differences and diverse interests – courage to do what is necessary to achieve our common goal together and courage to stay with the process.

Today’s outcome confirms the strength of the multistakeholder process in tackling issues important to the continued growth and evolution of the Internet. The Internet way we call it. Indeed, it is the ONLY way in our complex ecosystem.

But, we are not done. Hard work still remains ahead of us to turn the promise of the plan into reality. The community now has a responsibility to ensure the plan is faithfully implemented in a timely way.

Again, I would like to congratulate the Internet community for reaching this critical milestone. The Internet Society remains fully engaged in seeing this most important transition to its finish.

You can watch Kathy’s remarks below:

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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