4 April 2017

Indian IETF Capacity Building Phase II – Interim Report

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Society (ISOC) and Internet Architecture Board (IAB) are important Internet governance organisations concerned with the technical aspects of the Internet. Countries, which have representation in the core technical activities of these organisations, can have significant contribution and strong presence in the world of Internet governance. However, till date India’s participation in these organisations is almost negligible.

The current project will seek to achieve Phase II of the IICB program. During this phase, MOU will be signed with participating institutions, awareness sessions will be conducted therein and IICB conferences will be hosted by forming consortium of participating institutions every quarter and then publication of a quarterly digest on IETF participation and contribution. The project also endeavors to start the process of remotely attending IETF meetings All these efforts are being channelized for hosting of IETF in India (Either IETF -100 / IETF 103) wherein ISOC Kolkata Chapter is working very closely with Government of India and initial interactions have been made with the IETF Administrative committee as well.

  • India_Kolkata_Chapter_Report thumbnail Download
  • India_Kolkata_Chapter_Report thumbnail Download

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