Technology 3 June 2014

Global Internet Report 2014

The Global Internet Report is the first in a series meant to celebrate the progress of the Internet, highlight trends, and illustrate the principles that will continue to sustain the growth of the Internet.

Open and Sustainable Internet

This report focuses on the open and sustainable Internet – what we mean by that, what benefits it brings, and how to overcome threats that prevent those of us already online from enjoying the full benefits, and what keeps non-users from going online in the first place.

Given the rapid pace of change, it is important to solidify and spread the benefits of the open Internet, rather than taking them for granted.

Report Highlights

  • Internet trends and growth (pg.18)
  • Benefits of an open and sustainable Internet (pg.64)
  • Challenges to the open and sustainble Internet (pg.96)
  • Recommendations to improve the Internet experience and increase access (pg.128)

Executive Summaries

The following executive summaries are now available for download:

Special Thanks

The Internet Society would like to thank TeliaSonera who generously covered the cost of the infographics, design, and layout of the report.

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