Remembering Bob Braden Thumbnail
About Internet Society 19 April 2018

Remembering Bob Braden

We at the Internet Society are sad to note the recent death of Robert (“Bob”) Braden. During his long career , Bob had a profoundly positive impact on the development of the Internet and the broader technical community. Among Bob’s many contributions, he served with Joyce Reynolds as a steward of the RFC series of documents which define the Internet’s technical standards. In 2006, Bob and Joyce were presented with the Internet Society’s Jonathan B. Postel Service Award for ensuring the high quality of the RFC series, which “enabled countless others to contribute to the development of the Internet”.

More importantly, Bob was widely known for his thoughtfulness, constructive contributions, and sense of humor. He will be missed as pioneer, teacher, thought leader and mentor.

See also:

Image: An Internet Society photo of Bob Braden in 2008 during a special 20th Anniversary Postel tribute dinner at IETF 73 in Minneapolis.

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