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Global Tech Outage Demonstrates Need for Resiliency in Software Systems

Today’s global outage of many systems was not an Internet outage, but it demonstrates the need for greater resilience in all our technical systems.

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Slides: The Case For IPv6-Only Data Centers

Slides: The Case For IPv6-Only Data Centers

Why don't we just skip dual-stack and other transition technologies and jump straight to IPv6-only data centers that use a gateway/proxy server to service IPv4 requests? That's the fundamental question ...

Google's Public DNS Works With IPv6 – Can Help In Your Migration

In a post out yesterday, "Google Public DNS: 70 billion requests a day and counting", Google reminded us all that their Public DNS service supports IPv6 at these addresses: 2001:4860:4860::8888 ...
Valuable Info In EU's "Good Practices Guide" for DNSSEC Deployment

Valuable Info In EU's “Good Practices Guide” for DNSSEC Deployment

Looking for a good concise guide to the security issues and procedures related to deploying DNSSEC?  Back in March 2010, the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) issued their ...

Google's Public DNS Works With IPv6 – Can Help In Your Migration

In a post out yesterday, "Google Public DNS: 70 billion requests a day and counting", Google reminded us all that their Public DNS service supports IPv6 at these addresses: 2001:4860:4860::8888
Network Computing: Time To Buckle Down and Start an IPv6 Project

Network Computing: Time To Buckle Down and Start an IPv6 Project

Over on the Network Computer site, author Robert Mullins recently said it's time to buckle down and start an IPv6 project. The first of an apparent three-part series, this article ...

4 IETF Mailing Lists To Follow For Monitoring IPv6

Want to monitor the ongoing evolution of IETF standards related to IPv6?  Here are 4 mailing lists and the associated IETF working groups you may consider joining.  All lists are ...
ICANN 43 Logo

ICANN DNSSEC Workshop March 14 in Costa Rica

Will you be at the ICANN 43 meeting taking place in San José, Costa Rica, in March 2012?  If so, on Wednesday, March 14, 2012, there will be a "DNSSEC Workshop" ...

NLnet Labs Makes Their DNSSEC Training Materials Freely Available For All To Use

Want to offer your own DNSSEC training courses? Or want to run an internal DNSSEC training class? Or want to give a DNSSEC presentation to a local user group? Or ...