An ATM screen showing no functionality

Global Tech Outage Demonstrates Need for Resiliency in Software Systems

Today’s global outage of many systems was not an Internet outage, but it demonstrates the need for greater resilience in all our technical systems.

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Routing Security & IPv6 at NANOG 73 in Denver

Routing Security & IPv6 at NANOG 73 in Denver

We’ll be at NANOG 73 in Denver, CO, USA this week talking about routing security, MANRS, and IPv6. The North American Network Operators Group (NANOG) is the professional association for ...
SEE 7: Connectivity, Routing Security & IoT

SEE 7: Connectivity, Routing Security & IoT

The 7th RIPE South-East Europe (SEE 7) meeting is being held on 18-19 June 2018 in Timisoara, Romania, and is focusing on several of the subjects of interest to the Internet ...
Vint Cerf

Video – Vint Cerf on the 6th anniversary of World IPv6 Launch and why IPv6 is so critical now

Today, on the sixth anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, Vint Cerf, co-designer of the TCP/IP protocol and a "Father of the Internet", sent us this video message to share with ...
Six Years After: State of IPv6 Deployment 2018

Six Years After: State of IPv6 Deployment 2018

On the sixth anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, we’re sharing an updated report on the State of IPv6 Deployment in 2018. It really is staggering how far IPv6 deployment has ...
SINOG 5: IPv6, DNS Privacy and IoT Security

SINOG 5: IPv6, DNS Privacy and IoT Security

There will be significant Internet Society involvement at SINOG 5 next week, which is being co-organised by our colleague Jan Žorž, supported by ISOC, and will feature talks on NAT64Check ...
RIPE 76 dans le Midi

RIPE 76 dans le Midi

The RIPE 76 meeting starts next week in Marseille, which surprisingly is only the second RIPE meeting to have ever been held in France. RIPEs are always a key event for ...
Meet the APRICOT 2018 Fellows

Meet the APRICOT 2018 Fellows

The Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT) is an annual event that brings together Internet engineers and networking experts, government representatives, Internet business leaders, and other interested ...
IETF 101, Day 3: TLS & DPRIVE is no Diet Coke

IETF 101, Day 3: TLS & DPRIVE is no Diet Coke

This week is IETF 101 in London, and we're bringing you daily blog posts highlighting the topics of interest to us in the ISOC Internet Technology Team. There's plenty of variety ...