The Week in Internet News: Cambodia Creates Its Own Great Firewall Thumbnail
Technology 1 March 2021

The Week in Internet News: Cambodia Creates Its Own Great Firewall

Grant Gross
By Grant GrossGuest AuthorTechnology Reporter

Traffic cops: The government of Cambodia has moved to establish a national Internet gateway with a single point of entry for traffic into the country, regulated by a government-appointed operator, The Diplomat reports. The Washington Post’s editorial board said the move “strikes at one of the nation’s last vestiges of democratic life.” The move also points to a larger threat to “the entire globe,” led by censorship efforts in China, the editorial board wrote. “China wishes to establish a freedom-crushing model of cyber-sovereignty by which every country sets its own rules for a Web that serves those in power, rather than the people, without any regard for civil liberties or due process of law.”

A deal on the news: Facebook had prohibited Australian users from sharing news on the social media site because of a proposal that would require it and other online services to pay news outlets, but the company has reached a deal with the government there that again allows users to post news articles, the New York Times reports. The deal allows more time for negotiations, but the Australian Senate passed the law anyway, CNet reports.

Help with the bills: The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has approved a $3.2 billion plan to subsidize Internet service for low-income residents, the Washington Post says. The FCC plan would pay low-income residents up to $50 a month to subsidize Internet service. However, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel urged Congress to add more funds to the program.

Super city: Toyota is building a smart city in Japan for workers and their families, The Independent reports. The “living laboratory” will be a testing ground for technologies that could be rolled out across urban environments, including robotics, interconnected smart homes and artificial intelligence. The city will have dedicated roads for e-scooters and self-driving cars.

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Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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