Internet Society Foundation Awards $1M in Research Grants Studying the Future of the Internet Thumbnail
About Internet Society 2 February 2021

Internet Society Foundation Awards $1M in Research Grants Studying the Future of the Internet

By Mabel GundaGuest AuthorCommunications Manager, Internet Society Foundation

From the environment to the economy, the Internet is reshaping and disrupting several sectors of our society. What might future patterns of disruption look like? How will these changes affect all of us, particularly those on the margins of society? What new solutions can we generate today, to address the challenges of tomorrow?

At the Internet Society Foundation, we believe the answers to these questions and many others can be found in research. That’s why in September 2020 we announced $1M in grants to support researchers worldwide studying the future and sustainability of the Internet.

Today we’re thrilled to announce the seven awardees. Their projects explore important questions around the Internet’s relationship to society, such as the economic cost of the digital gender gap, the impact of digital labor platforms on worker’s rights, what climate solutions might help decarbonize the subsea cable network, and more.

Learn more about the awardees!

The Research programme is open to independent researchers and research institutions worldwide and is currently accepting statements of interest, to be reviewed on a rolling basis. Grants of up to US$200,000 will be awarded for research lasting up to two years.

The Internet Society Foundation was established in 2019 to support the positive difference the Internet can make to people everywhere. The Foundation awards grants to Internet Society Chapters/Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as well as nonprofit organizations and individuals dedicated to providing meaningful access to an open, globally-connected, secure, and trustworthy Internet for everyone.

Image by Karsten Würth via Unsplash

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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