Internet Society Foundation Awards over $1 Million in Digital Skills Development Grants Thumbnail
About Internet Society 26 November 2020

Internet Society Foundation Awards over $1 Million in Digital Skills Development Grants

By Mabel GundaGuest AuthorCommunications Manager, Internet Society Foundation

The Internet is for everyone – a critical lifeline that can uplift communities. But only if we go beyond Internet access and bridge the knowledge gap that continues to persist: the gap between those who have the knowledge and skills to use the Internet to empower themselves and their communities and those who don’t.

To address this divide, the Internet Society Foundation recently awarded over $1 million in digital skills development grants to eight innovative projects in Bangladesh, Colombia and Senegal. In its pilot year, the Strengthening Communities, Improving Lives and Livelihoods (SCILLS) grant programme aims to expand economic growth, improve health outcomes, and increase educational opportunities by supporting individuals and communities to more knowledgeably and skillfully use the Internet.   

Learn more about these projects!

The Internet Society Foundation was established in 2019 to support the positive difference the Internet can make to people everywhere. The Foundation awards grants to Internet Society Chapters/Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as well as nonprofit organizations and individuals dedicated to providing meaningful access to an open, globally-connected, secure, and trustworthy Internet for everyone.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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