Strengthening Communities, Improving Lives and Livelihoods: The Internet Society Foundation Launches SCILLS Thumbnail
About Internet Society 9 June 2020

Strengthening Communities, Improving Lives and Livelihoods: The Internet Society Foundation Launches SCILLS

By Mabel GundaGuest AuthorCommunications Manager, Internet Society Foundation

When people connect to the Internet, they can change the world for the better. And so many people have done just that, using this transformative technology to make strides in education, economic opportunity, and health outcomes. But Internet access is only part of the equation. There’s now a different kind of divide: the gap between those who have the knowledge and skills to use the Internet to empower themselves and their communities – and those who don’t.

To address this gap, the Internet Society Foundation is launching SCILLS: Strengthening Communities, Improving Lives and Livelihoods. The program aims to expand economic growth, improve health outcomes, and increase educational opportunities – by supporting communities to more knowledgeably and skillfully use the Internet.

Are you working to close this gap? The Internet Society Foundation wants to hear from you!

In its pilot year, the program is open to eligible organizations in Bangladesh, Colombia, and Senegal, with expansion to additional countries planned in coming years. It provides grants of up to $150,000 USD for projects lasting up to 24 months. Applications are open between 9 June and 3 July, and grantees will be announced in early September.

The Internet is for everyone – a critical lifeline that can uplift communities. But only if we bridge the knowledge gap and equip more people to make the most of this powerful tool.

Learn more and apply!

Image ©Paula Bronstein/Getty Images via Images of Empowerment

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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