Deutsche Welle Spotlights Tanzania’s Kondoa Community Network Thumbnail
Growing the Internet 20 December 2019

Deutsche Welle Spotlights Tanzania’s Kondoa Community Network

By April FroncekFormer Senior Editor, Internet Society Foundation

Nearly half of the world lacks Internet access. But in rural Africa, the number is much higher: 86% of people are unconnected, with fewer women having access than men.

Deutsche Welle, Germany’s public broadcaster, shares the story of the Kondoa Community Network, a joint project of the Internet Society Tanzania Chapter and the University of Dodoma, that’s helping to close the digital divide. It’s connecting schools and community centers – and making a difference to young women.


Want to hear more?
Last year, Deutsche Welle profiled three additional community networks in Zimbabwe, the Republic of Georgia, and South Africa. Read about the community networks and listen to their stories!

The Internet is for everyone. Learn more about community networks and join the global movement to help close the digital divide!

Images ©Internet Society/Nyani Quarmyne/Panos Pictures

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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