In Colombia: Latin American Summit on Community Networks Thumbnail
Growing the Internet 24 September 2019

In Colombia: Latin American Summit on Community Networks

By Israel RosasDirector, Partnerships and Internet Development

The University of Cundinamarca will host the Second Latin American Summit of Community Networks September 24-28. The event is organized by the Community Networks Special Interest Group, the Fusa Libre Collective, and the Colombia Chapter, with backing from the Internet Society.

The Summit, which will include representatives of 24 organizations that operate community networks in different countries, is meant to be a resource for the region. On the first day there will be 12 presentations that will share experiences from projects developed in countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico.

During the rest of the Summit, attendees will explore topics that will help strengthen their projects and enhance their development. The topics addressed in these working sessions have been defined collaboratively: gender-related issues, regulatory frameworks, local content, methodological strategies for community work, and actions for the promotion and deployment of new community networks. It could not be otherwise in a community where collaboration has stood out. In addition, attendees can share their experiences and best practices.

Although many people are familiar with the term “community networks,” their collaborative nature can be a surprise to those who are learning about how they function. Seeing people working together to plan, deploy, and operate community networks is usually a pleasant surprise – and this great work is a reflection of the collaboration that characterizes the Internet.

The Internet is for everyone, and community networks can play a key role in closing the global digital divide. They are a global movement – “for the community, by the community” – and can increase the diversity and plurality of the Internet, put its power in the hands of people, and empower these builders to invite others to join this global-scale task.

Join the movement! Attend one of the Community Networks Summits taking place around the world.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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