A brochure on the use and benefits of RIPE Atlas Probes and Anchors now available Thumbnail
Internet Exchange Points 27 May 2016

A brochure on the use and benefits of RIPE Atlas Probes and Anchors now available

By Betel HailuSenior Manager, Organization Members Engagement

As Africa’s Internet infrastructure is expanding, it is important to understand its dynamics through network measurements and monitoring. The Atlas project provides a framework to achieve this. The more probes and anchors deployed in Africa, the more accurate the data about the African Internet will be available.

In this regard, we are pleased to inform you that in collaboration with AFRINIC and RIPE NCC we have published a brochure on RIPE Atlas Probes and Anchors. This is the result of identifying the need of our community to understand the use and benefits of Atlas Probes and Anchors through a common and simple approach.

AFRINIC as a major stakeholder in the Internet sphere, in Africa, and also as a Network Information Centre for the region believes that such framework is important.

At the Internet Society, we seek to increase and support the deployment of globally recognized measurement infrastructure, tools and services at defined vantage points to enhance visibility of Internet traffic flow and exchange. This is in line with the region’s aspiration to achieve 80% local and 20% international Internet traffic in Africa by 2020.

The collaboration and partnership aims to support the Atlas project, which is all about measuring the state or “health” of the Internet globally. To this end, the Internet Society and AFRINIC have mutually agreed to finance the deployment of Atlas anchors in Africa. The partners will provide at total USD 10,000 (5,000 each) towards acquisition of hardware for an initial 10 anchors and Ripe NCC will provide the Atlas Anchor technology.

The brochure can be accessed here

Read also the Internet Society’s ITE works in Africa

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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