AfPIF is coming to Tanzania! Thumbnail
Growing the Internet 30 March 2016

AfPIF is coming to Tanzania!

By Betel HailuManager, Organization Members Engagement

Today, the Internet Society announced in its press release that it is bringing, in partnership with the Tanzania Internet Service Providers Association (TISPA), its annual Africa Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) to Tanzania. AfPIF-7 will take place in the country’s capital, Dar es Salaam from 30 August- 1 September 2016.

In a press conference marking the official announcement held today in Dar es Salaam, Michuki Mwangi, Senior Development Manager for Africa and Middle East, Internet Society, spoke to the various journalists present about AfPIF and the benefits it brings to the local community in building cross-border interconnection opportunities and facilitate discussions on African Internet infrastructure challenges, including terrestrial capacity, development of national and regional Internet Exchange Points (IXP) and local content. The announcement was attended among others by Dr. Ali y. Simba, Director General of the Tanzania Communications Regulatory authority (TCRA) and Mr. Vinay Choudary, Chairman of TISPA.

The press conference was followed by a peering workshop attended by more than 18 network engineers and representatives from TISPA, Spicenet, UHURUONE, SATCOM Networks and other stakeholders in Tanzania. As part of the pre-events of AfPIF 2016, the peering workshop discussed issues such as:

  • Peering Best Practices
  • Peering and Transit Business Development
  • Advancing The Peering Ecosystem

Serving as a platform to expand Internet infrastructure and services across Africa, it is expected that AfPIF 2016 will bring together key players to address the opportunities in interconnection, peering and traffic exchange on the continent.

Join us in Tanzania and be part of the change we are bringing in how people think about connecting the net!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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