Sudanese new IDN ccTLD domain in Arabic (سودان.) launched by the Internet Society Sudan Chapter Thumbnail
Domain Name System (DNS) 9 February 2016

Sudanese new IDN ccTLD domain in Arabic (سودان.) launched by the Internet Society Sudan Chapter

By Betel HailuManager, Organization Members Engagement

The Internet Society Sudan Chapter has launched the new Arabic Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) (سودان.), on 26 January 2016. The event was attended by the Minister of Telecommunication of Sudan, Heads of Universities, Telecom Operators and Members of the Community.

During the launch, the Minister of Telecommunication of Sudan expressed his gratitude to the Internet Society Sudan Chapter for the great work it has done in successfully accomplishing the IDN project. 

The president of the Internet Society Sudan Chapter, Engineer Nadir Ahmed also extended his encouragement to registrars, resellers and all interested parties to follow the good example and obtain their own (سودان.) Domain Names.

According to the Internet Society Sudan Chapter the registration of the IDN ccTLD Domain in Arabic language (سودان.) is composed of three stages, which are:

  • SUNRISE – from 26 January to 26 February 2016: the registration will be open only for registered trade marks owners
  • LANDRUSH – from 1 to 15 March 2016: the registration will be open for a special price of about 1 USD
  • GENERAL REGISTRATION – 25 March 2016 onward: the registration will be open for everyone at a regular price

The new Domain will help increase Internet usage penetration in Sudan and promote the development of local content.

The launch was an occasion to award trophies to various Universities, Governments agencies, Operators and Individuals who have relentlessly supported the IDN project right from the start.

A big congratulation to the Internet Society Sudan Chapter!

About the Internet Society Sudan Chapter

The Internet Society Sudan Chapter provides the Sudanese community leadership in addressing key issues about the roles of the Internet. It also leads and supports the society in making best use of the Internet in order to promote Sudanese socio-economic development and growth. The Chapter also aims at providing support and information on all Internet related-issues in order to enable individuals, businesses and professional organizations to effectively achieve their objectives.

Website of the Internet Society Sudan Chapter

Find out more about the Internet Society and its Chapters

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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