Growing the Internet 2 February 2015

Chadian youth celebrates the internet for the first time

By Betel HailuManager, Organization Members Engagement

On 27 December 2014, the Chadian Youth celebrated the Internet during an event organized by ISOC-Chad in partnership with the collective WenakLabs and other associations working in the technology field of information and communication (ICT).

Held at the National Library of the capital N’Djamena, the event was attended by over 300 youngsters among whom where some neophytes/ beginners who received training on how to create mailboxes such as Gmail and Yahoo and other social network accounts including Facebook and Twitter. A number of themes were also presented and discussed on the occasion including:

  • The concept of free software and free Internet, which invites young people to migrate to free software (open source)
  • The use of social networks (E-reputation, good practice of social networks, etc.)
  • The OSM community – Chad and the importance of the free digital mapping
  • The concept of Jerry DIT or learning by experimentation
  • The challenges of local content on the Internet

The event also enabled the young to be connected to the Internet all day with the help of the telecommunications company Airtel Chad.

Related articles on the event.

Read the report from the ISOC Chapter in Chad (in French).

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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