Deploy360 28 January 2015

Chris Grundemann @ NANOG 63 talking BCOP, IETF, and more!

Chris Grundemann
By Chris GrundemannGuest Author

NANOG 63It feels like I just got back from ION Sri Lanka. Perhaps that’s because I’ve only been home about 7 days! There’s no time to spare though, as we here on the Deploy360 team are ramping up into 2015. So, off I go to San Antonio this weekend for NANOG 63!

The change in calendar means changes in responsibilities too. My two year term on the NANOG Program Committee (PC) came to an end with the close of 2014, which means I may have a little more time for side-meetings and the like this NANOG. Not much more though, I’m still co-chairing the NANOG-BCOP (Best Current Operational Practices) ad-hoc committee, now in it’s second year. I’ll also be giving an update on our Operators and the IETF project. Plus I’m helping to launch a new idea, making it’s global debut at NANOG 63! Maybe I won’t have any “spare” time after all… If you do want to connect, please drop me a line ASAP and we’ll work something out.

Down to the nitty gritty, here are a few of the highlights you should check out next week:

IETF Help Desk @ NANOG 63

NANOG 63 will be the alpha production of a new concept that grew out of our Operators and the IETF survey results following IETF 91: An IETF Help Desk. Similar to the help desk that ARIN hosts at NANOG, the IETF Help Desk is designed to be your one stop for all your IETF questions. Unlike ARIN, this is not an official (read: approved or funded) IETF activity. We’re just a bunch of folks who happen to attend both IETF and NANOG meetings who’ve volunteered to staff the table and help our fellow community members. We hope to answer questions such as:

  • “Why should I participate in the IETF?”
  • “How do I get involved in the IETF?”
  • “What is the difference between an Internet-Draft and an RFC?”
  • “How do I submit an idea to the IETF?”
  • “What is the IETF working on in space?”
  • “How do I comment on an existing IETF document?”

This is our first time trying this out, so please do stop by and ask your question, or just show your support! Look for the “IETF Help Desk” banner.

If you’re interested in hosting an IETF Help Desk, or have other ideas on how to make it easier for newcomers to bring real-world experiences into the IETF process; join the ‘synergy‘ mailing list and join the conversation!


The BCOP track has become a staple of NANOG meetings for several years now, and NANOG 63 will be no different. We’re jumping right in, with the BCOP Track on Monday from 16:30 to 18:00 CST, in Salon G-M. Come join us, you can participate in two different ways (or both):

1) Come present your idea for a BCOP!

Do you have a question that needs answered about the current operational practice for some portion of your network? Or maybe you have some insight to share about how something is best done?

Remember that there are no dumb questions here and no BCOP is too basic or too simple. The things that you take for granted as common sense are new information for many other network engineers all around the world. Come tell us the question you’d love to have answered, or the practice you’d love to see spread!

2) Come observe, and provide feedback.

There are currently 4 active NANOG-BCOP drafts:

  • Public Peering Exchange Participant
  • Ethernet OAM
  • DDoS/DoS Attack
  • eBGP Configuration

We will be discussing all of these documents, including considering moving some of them forward for last call and ultimately, publication as community vetted BCOPs! So, come vet them. 😉 We will likely also be discussing the Anti-Spoofing BCOP draft that is set to come out of security community stealth mode any day now.

Agenda Highlights

Below are just a few of the talks that I’m excited about seeing (or giving). Remember, you can join in remotely even if you won’t be able to join us physically in Texas.


I’ll be kicking things off Monday morning. My talk, Operators and the IETF – What’s Next?, is the first talk of the day. I’ll be starting about 10:15 CST, right after the conference opening. Other day one highlights include:


Tuesday morning is consumed with several great tracks while the afternoon is packed with great content; two specifically are on the Deploy360 radar:


Unfortunately for me, I won’t be able to attend any of the Wednesday sessions at NANOG 63. I’ll be making my way towards the Carribean and ION Trinidad and Tobago! The sessions I plan to watch afterwards include:

As usual, there’s a ton more great content on the agenda. I hope to see you in San Antonio next week!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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