Deploy360 21 February 2014

Chris Grundemann and Jan Zorz at APRICOT 2014

Chris Grundemann
By Chris GrundemannGuest Author

APRICOTAnnouncing another chance to catch up with the team behind Deploy360 in real life!

Jan Zorz and I, along with several other Internet Society employees, will be attending APRICOT 2014 in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, next week.

APRICOT is the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies and has been held annually since 1996:

Since then, APRICOT has provided a unique and successful educational forum for Internet builders in the region to learn from their peers and other leaders in the Internet community from around the world.

APRICOT has now clearly established itself as the Asia Pacific’s premier regional Internet summit where related organizations come together to meet and host their annual general meetings, including APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre), APIA (Asia Pacific Internet Association), APTLD (Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Forum), and APstar.

Held annually, the ten-day summit consists of seminars, workshops, tutorials, conference sessions, Birds of a Feather (BOFs), and other forums all with the goal of spreading and sharing the knowledge required to operate the Internet within the Asia Pacific region.

In other words, there’s a lot going on!

At this year’s event, Jan and I will be primarily focused on helping to get a regional BCOP (Best Current Operational Practices) effort started, and on collecting feedback as part of our Operators and the IETF project.

We’ll also be participating in many of the meetings and activities in and around APRICOT, including “Tackling Hard Issues: A NetOps Workshop on IPv6, DNSSEC and Routing Security,” the ISOC @ APRICOT members meeting, and much more. If you’ll be at APRICOT, we’d love to chat with you! Come find me and/or Jan and strike up a conversation on BCOP, the IETF, IPv6, DNSSEC, Securing BGP, or anything else related to deploying and operationalizing the technologies that support a free and open Internet.

We’re extremely excited to attend APRICOT and continue our work in the Asia Pacific region! The response and welcome received at SANOG, JANOG, and NZNOG has been overwhelmingly positive and I hope to deepen our cooperation significantly over the next seven days.

Whether you’ll be at APRICOT 2014 or not, be sure to stay in contact with the Deploy360 team to keep up to date on what’s going on and where we’ll be next. Everything we do is dependent on your support, so let us know what we can do for you!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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