Internet Way of Networking

Championing a Thriving Internet for Everyone

The actions we take in the coming years will shape the Internet for good or for bad. We must make sure policy and technology developments support the Internet way of networking—what the Internet needs in order to remain a global resource for everyone.

A Future Splinternet?

Governments and businesses are increasingly making decisions that could impact the Internet—and they may not even know it. Their choices could lead to a splinternet, where the Internet fragments into many isolated networks controlled by policymakers and corporations. If we don’t protect the Internet from these bad decisions, which are often politically motivated, it could undermine the value of the Internet for us all.

Our Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit is a practical tool to help policymakers and Internet champions protect the Internet from this worse-case scenario.

a man holding an antenna on ladder

Growing, Promoting, and Protecting the Internet

The Internet Way of Networking is the foundation of a strong Internet. Here’s how we’re protecting it:

  • Growing the global repository of Internet Impact Briefs that analyze how decisions could impact the Internet
  • Equipping people to protect its foundation to prevent a splinternet
  • Advocating on issues that help the Internet be more open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy—like strong encryption, secure global routing, and the exchange of knowledge about network security

Get Involved 

pine forest trees from above
Understand Internet Impact

How can you tell if a policy might impact what the Internet needs to work for everyone? Use our Internet Impact Assessment tool.

a group of people looking at laptops
Create an Internet Impact Brief

Spotted an issue that could impact the Internet? Produce your own Internet Impact brief.

an antenna seen from below behind the barbed wire
Learn How to Protect the Internet

Take one of our free e-learning courses to learn how to protect what makes the Internet work for everyone.

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Image copyrights:
Leading image: © Atul Loke / Panos Pictures, Splinternet: © Chris Gregory, Create Impact Brief: © Urban Pixel Lebanon, Learn How to Protect the Internet: © Nyani Quarmyne