Training the next generation of network engineers in Kyrgyzstan

Internet Exchange Points
11 October 2018
Training the next generation of network engineers in Kyrgyzstan
The Internet Society in conjunction with Packet Clearing House (PCH), our Kyrgyzstan Chapter (ISOC-KG) and the CAREN Project organised...
We Hear You Central Asia! (An update from the CAIGF)

Growing the Internet
6 July 2016
We Hear You Central Asia! (An update from the CAIGF)
In times when disintegration seems to be the word of the day, it is a pleasure to witness people...
Help get half of Kyrgyz people online in the next five years

Growing the Internet
29 January 2016
Help get half of Kyrgyz people online in the next five years
In the 21st Century, it’s pretty much impossible for a country to develop without improving its Internet infrastructure. Kyrgyzstan...