Multilayer Governance as a Theoretical Foundation of Enhanced Cooperation – Rolf H. Weber Thumbnail
22 October 2014

Multilayer Governance as a Theoretical Foundation of Enhanced Cooperation – Rolf H. Weber

Multilayer Governance as a Theoretical Foundation of Enhanced Cooperation is the paper written by Rolf H. Weber, Chair Professor at University of Zurich.

Discussion Topic: what does enhanced cooperation mean and what is its contribution to multistakeholder participation in particular and Internet Governance in general?


For strengthening public confidence in the decision-building processes, Internet governance needs to involve more actors, traditionally not granted with sovereign powers, such as business entities, non-governmental organizations, and civil society. In the recent past, the details of this much-debated multistakeholder concept have been amended by the “enhanced cooperation” approach. Actors from many fields have acknowledged that structural concepts dealing with the involvement of stakeholders having different backgrounds and functions are not yet established; therefore, new extended concepts beyond the classic realm are needed, encompassing different layers of decision-building procedures and realizing a higher degree of democratic participation.


As experience has shown, Internet governance needs to involve more actors, traditionally not granted with sovereign powers, such as business entities, non-governmental organizations, and civil society. The joint involvement of all stakeholders strengthens public confidence in the decision-making processes. The details of the multistakeholderism concept, however, are hotly debated and have recently been amended by the “enhanced cooperation” approach.

In view of these developments the general foundations of enhanced cooperation are to be analyzed in more detail. This assessment will be done on the basis of the multilayer governance concept which appears to constitute the most appropriate framework for an adequate structuring of enhanced cooperation regimes.