Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) 2 April 2014

Infographic: Collaboration for a secure and resilient Internet

This infographic explains the idea that when it comes to Internet security and resilience, the traditional approach of just protecting our own assets is not good enough – the Internet demands a sense of collective stewardship and shared responsibility to be truly secure and truly resilient to attack.

There are several technologies and best practices available to mitigate these risks. Implementing them has costs, but through collective action we are creating a safer global network – a benefit that is hard to overestimate.

  • Routing-Security-Infographic_cover thumbnail

    Infographic - PDF

  • Resilience-infographic-cover thumbnail

    Infographic - JPG

  • Routing-Security-Infographic_cover thumbnail

    Infographic - PDF

  • Resilience-infographic-cover thumbnail

    Infographic - JPG


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