28 January 2014

Digital Footprints: An Internet Society Reference Framework

This document is structured to make it simple for you to understand and manage your digital footprints.

Each section deals with a particular topic:

  • How digital footprints are created,
  • Why third parties are interested in our digital footprints,
  • How privacy, economics, and legislation intersect, and so on.

Each section is self-contained, giving a description of the problem or topic, why it matters to you, and what you can do about it.

We grouped the sections into three over-arching themes (economics, risk and context), so you can treat the whole thing as a single document, or pick out a single section that interests you most, or read the sections that related to a common theme.

We finish with a guidance section, giving examples of four types of action you can take to develop your understanding and control of your digital footprint. If that’s your over-riding concern, just go straight to “How can I manage my digital footprints?”. However, the first recommendation you will find there is this: improve your understanding of the basic issues… which is exactly what we hope you will get from the rest of the document.