Privacy 18 April 2013

A report on a micro survey regarding online privacy and personal data

In February 2013, in preparation for a workshop entitled “The New PII: Privacy-Impacting Information” organised by the Internet Society at the WSIS+10 Review Event, the Internet Society invited its members and others to voice their opinion via an online micro survey. There were three optional requests:

1.    What is your country of residence?
2.    What do you think should be protected online by data protection or privacy laws, and why?
3.    Write your own definition of “personal data”

We received 68 responses from Europe, North America, Africa, Latin America and Asia, indicating international interest in the topic of online privacy. The sample is clearly too small to be representative and we do not seek to draw particular conclusions regarding a country or continent. Nonetheless, the views expressed in the responses reveal some common themes, while at the same time highlighting that perspectives vary.

We would like to thank all our members and other individuals who participated in this micro survey. The responses are helpful in identifying some of the different perspectives Internet users have on this topic.

Please note that comments, views or ideas reported in the document are not necessarily held, or endorsed, by the Internet Society.

  • A report on a micro survey regarding online privacy and personal data thumbnail Download
  • A report on a micro survey regarding online privacy and personal data thumbnail Download

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