About Internet Society 26 May 2020

Internet Society Announces Appointment of Heather West to Board of Trustees for Interim Term

Reston, VA – 26th May, 2020  – The Internet Society today announced that Heather West will be appointed to the Internet Society Board of Trustees for an interim term. The Board appointment comes as Mieke van Heesewijk steps down for personal reasons. 

Mieke was elected to the Internet Society Board in 2019 by Organization Members. Her official replacement will be selected during the 2021 Organization Member elections, and will start serving at the 2021 Annual General Meeting. 

“It’s been a rewarding experience serving as a Board trustee, and it’s unfortunate that I have to resign for personal reasons at this time. However, I will continue to support and promote the Internet Society’s important mission wherever possible as it strives toward its vision of the Internet for everyone”, van Heesewijk said.

In the interim, the Board has appointed Heather West who will serve a one-year term, beginning on 1st August at the 2020 Annual General Meeting.  Her appointment will ensure Board continuity in having 12 voting trustees and proper representation from the Organization Member community. 

“I am honored to join the board and represent the Organization Member community, and further the important mission of the Internet Society,” said West.

West is the Head of Public Policy for the Americas at Mozilla Corporation, and has been at Mozilla since 2014, where she works across various Internet policy issues in the Americas.  

26 May 2020 – 20:30 UTC – Editor’s note: updated to include a quote from Heather West and a slightly modified last paragraph.

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