Remembering David Vyorst Thumbnail
About Internet Society 7 December 2017

Remembering David Vyorst

This is a very sad day for the Internet Society community. Yesterday, we learned that David Vyorst, the Executive Director of the ISOC-DC chapter has passed away.

David was an instrumental part of the North American Internet community. From leading the DC chapter to his work with the IGF-USA and so much more, we will miss his commitment to a free and open Internet for everyone. David’s passion for ensuring newcomers and young people were welcomed into our community made him not only a true leader, but a good friend to the Internet Society.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the Internet Society staff, we would like to express our deepest sympathy to David’s family and friends, the DC chapter, and to the many people he has helped over the years. He will be missed.

Details about his funeral and burial can be found here.

Photo credit: Glenn McKnight

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