Pre-2016 Press Releases 2 July 2014

Narelle Clark and Demi Getschko selected as Internet Society representatives on the NTIA/IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group

The Internet Society (ISOC) appoints Narelle Clark, Director of Operations- Deputy CEO for the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) and Dr. Demi Getschko, CEO of the Brazilian Network Information Center (, as the ISOC representatives on the NTIA/IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group.

Ms. Clark is also a member of the Internet Society Board of Trustees and President of the Australia Chapter of the Internet Society.

Dr. Getschko is also an Associate Professor in Computing Architecture at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), Vice-President of the Brazilian Chapter of the Internet Society and a Board Member of

The appointees chosen by the Internet Society Board of Trustees have been selected after as thorough a search as possible within the timeframe made available by ICANN. The Trustees thank the community for its understanding of the rushed nature of the process.

Calls for candidates with expertise across all facets of the IANA function including policy, operational, and technical protocols were sent to ISOC’s Chapter and organizational members, as well as the broader community.

A mixture of applications and nominations were received. After checking with the nominees, a total of 31 candidates were considered by the Board, minus Narelle Clark, who had recused herself, acting as a whole. The pool included many strong candidates meeting many of the criteria, however it was felt that candidates with a lesser degree of proximity to active ICANN workgroups were preferred in order to preserve the status of the Internet Society as an independent steward within this process. In addition, candidates were evaluated on their understanding of the multistakeholder model as well as a demonstrated ability to work across all of the ICANN-related stakeholder groups with the confidence of the community. Additional experience in dealing directly with government and commercial contracts was also highly desirable.

The Board selected Narelle Clark and Demi Getschko based on these evaluation criteria.

The Board of Trustees would like to express its deepest thanks to all of those who have offered their services for this effort and trusts that it can draw upon your expertise as we progress along this journey. Future consultations will be essential in building the appropriate framework for the future management of these crucial Internet functions.

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