Pre-2016 Press Releases 12 May 2014

Election Results Finalized, ISOC Congratulates New Trustees

Letter from the ISOC Elections Committee


The Elections Committee is pleased to announce the final results of the 2014 elections for ISOC Board of Trustees. Chapter delegates elected Hans Peter Dittler and Gihan Dias.  Organization members have elected Hiroshi Esaki. As required by ISOC’s Procedures for selecting Trustees, a Challenge Period was open 2-7 May.  No challenges were received.

Separately, the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) has appointed Sean Turner to serve as an ISOC Trustee, following the process documented in RFC 3677.

The term of office for all four of the new Trustees will be three years, commencing with ISOC’s Annual General Meeting, 27-28 June in London.

The Elections Committee congratulates the new Trustees.  It also extends its thanks, once more, to all the candidates and to everyone who participated in the elections process.

Respectfully submitted,

Désirée Miloshevic, Chair
Eric Burger
Jason Livingood


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