Pre-2016 Press Releases 19 June 2013

Internet Society Statement on Change of Plans for 2013 Internet Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, Istanbul INET, Business Roundtable, and Chapter Workshop

The Internet Society today announced that it plans to change the location of its 2013 Internet Hall of Fame awards ceremony, and cancel the Istanbul INET, Business Roundtable, and Chapter Workshop, originally scheduled to take place next week in Istanbul, Turkey. The Internet Society, along with the rest of the world, has been watching developments in Istanbul and closely following the police and government response to demonstrators since the end of May. While we had remained hopeful that we would be able to proceed with these important events, the dynamic environment has unfortunately created an increasingly unstable situation in Turkey.
First and foremost, our concern is for the personal safety of everyone who would be associated with these events, including speakers, participants, Internet Hall of Fame inductees, Internet Society guests and staff, and support personnel on the ground.  Reports from our international security partner indicate that the protests in Istanbul have become more diffuse and unpredictable, and we do not want to take any unnecessary risks.
While it was a very difficult decision to postpone these events, we believe it is the right one to make taking into account the current information and unpredictable situation on the ground. The Internet Society is currently exploring new locations and dates for the Internet Hall of Fame induction ceremony and will provide an update next week.  We will announce the 2013 Internet Hall of Fame inductees on June 26, as originally planned.  The Istanbul INET, Business Roundtable, and Chapter Workshop will be cancelled.
The Internet Society hopes for a peaceful and speedy resolution to the events that have unfolded in Turkey over the last two weeks.  We also send our support to those in Turkey and all over the world that advocate for the ongoing development of the Internet as an open platform that empowers people to share ideas and connect in new and innovative ways, and which serves the economic, social, and educational needs of individuals throughout the world.

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