ION Conferences bring network engineers and leading industry experts together to discuss emerging technologies including IPv6, DNSSEC, and Securing BGP, and TLS for Applications. Early adopters provide valuable insight into their own deployment experiences and bring participants up to speed on new standards emerging from the IETF.
ION lets network operators stay ahead of the curve to understand and deploy emerging Internet technologies, and presents a unique opportunity to discuss the future of the Internet with the people who help craft it. More than a simple lecture series, ION events provide hands-on interaction with our speakers so you walk away with the answers you need to deploy new standards and technologies on your own networks.
Events bring together the best and brightest from the Internet industry to learn about the latest news, ideas, and technologies in a relaxed and educational atmosphere.
Agenda and Presentations
1:45 PM | Opening Remarks Chris Grundemann (Internet Society) Presentation | Video |
2:00 PM | Two Years After World IPv6 Launch: Are We There Yet? June 2014 marked the 2nd anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, when thousands of Internet Service Providers, home networking equipment manufacturers, and web companies around the world came together to permanently enable IPv6 on their products and services. Where are we now on the path to full global IPv6 adoption? We’ll discuss the current state of IPv6 adoption, including statistics and lessons learned from and since World IPv6 Launch, and the next steps needed to move forward with IPv6 deployment. Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman (RIPE NCC) Presentation | Video |
2:30 PM | Why Implement DNSSEC? DNSSEC helps prevent attackers from subverting and modifying DNS messages and sending users to wrong (and potentially malicious) sites. So what needs to be done for DNSSEC to be deployed on a large scale? We’ll discuss the business reasons for, and financial implications of, deploying DNSSEC, from staying ahead of the technological curve, to staying ahead of your competition, to keeping your customers satisfied and secure on the Internet. We’ll also examine some of the challenges operators have faced and the opportunities to address those challenges and move deployment forward. Jim Galvin (Afilias) Presentation | Video |
3:00 PM | IPv6 Success Stories– Network Operators Tell All! In this session, we invite network operators to share their IPv6 success stories and lessons learned along the way that can help other managers of networks deploy IPv6. How did they do it? What technical, organizational, and political challenges did they face? Attendees will gain vital insight as network operators lay out the stages for IPv6 implementation—creating the business case for management buy-in, initiating a planning process, flipping the switch, and, finally, gathering measurements and proving success. Ian Farrer (Deutsche Telekom AG); Timo Hilbrink (xs4all); Dave Wilson (HEAnet) Ian Farrer’s Slides | Timo Hilbrink’s Slides | Video |
4:00 PM | IETF Update What’s happening at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)? What RFCs and Internet-Drafts are in progress related to IPv6, DNSSEC, Routing Security/Resiliency, and other key topics? We’ll give an overview of the ongoing discussions in several working groups and discuss the outcomes of recent Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions, and provide a preview of what to expect in future discussions. Chris Grundemann (Internet Society) Presentation | Video |
4:15 PM | Panel: Routing Around Catastrophe How do we improve the resilience and security of the Internet’s underlying routing infrastructure? While Internet routing has worked well over the years, there have been instances where errors and misconfiguration have caused stability issues. Malicious attackers have also created denial of service attacks and other issues by spoofing IP addresses and manipulating routing tables. What are the best practices we can use to help mitigate these kinds of attacks? What new routing technologies or standards are being developed to address these threats? How can we as an Internet community make the Internet more resilient and secure? Moderator: Rob Evans (JANET). Panelists: Nick Hilliard (INEX); Mike Hughes; Dave Wilson (HEAnet) Video |
5:00 PM | Securing BGP Why do so many network operators fail to put basic technologies into practice when it comes to securing BGP? In this session, we’ll examine route filtering and BGP session security – the practical basics of securing BGP. David Freedman (Claranet) Presentation | Video |
5:30 PM | Closing Remarks Chris Grundemann (Internet Society) |
Rob Evans, Chief Network Architect, Janet
Rob Evans is the Chief Network Architect for Janet, the UK’s education and research network, where he was recently heavily involved in the design and procurement of Janet6, a nationwide dark fibre network with DWDM and 100GE.
He has worked on managing a large campus network in the dying days of the mainframe, managing the IP side of a pan-European research and education network based on ATM, and has now spent over 15 years trying to persuade customers to look at, if not actively use, IPv6 (among a couple of other things).
Ian Farrer, Senior Network Architect, Deutsche Telekom AG
Ian Farrer is a Senior Network Architect working for Deutsche Telekom AG. With over 15 years of experience in IP network architecture, design and deployment in fixed and mobile carrier environments, Ian is currently involved in ‘re-imagining’ the approach to building carrier networks are built with a particular interest in IPv4/IPv6 tradition technologies.
As part of this, he has also become involved with the IETF to standardise the missing pieces for the new network architecture and is the author / co-author of a number of Internet Drafts.
David Freedman, Group Network Manager, Claranet
David Freedman has worked in network engineering for the past 16 years and is currently employed as Group Network Manager for Claranet, a pan-European Managed Services Provider (MSP) that was established in 1996. During much of this time, David has been a regular participant at RIPE Meetings and in RIPE Working Group discussions, focusing in recent years on address policy and the deployment and operation of IPv6. David also participates in the IETF working groups and maintains authorship of a number of documents relating to OSPF, BGP and IPv6. David can be found travelling the world attending industry conferences, speaking about BGP, Routing Resilience and IPv6 deployment and its challenges.
Dr. James Galvin, Director, Strategic Relationships and Technical Standards, Afilias Limited
Dr. James Galvin is Director of Strategic Relationships and Technical Standards at Afilias, supporting and managing the company’s relationships within Internet and IT communities. As an active, long-time member of these communities, Dr. Galvin participates in the development of the founding technical standards and policies upon which Internet applications and services are developed.
He was an integral participant in the initial development of Internet standards for secure email, domain name system security (DNSSEC), and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) security. He has chaired working groups, served as document editor, and managed public domain implementations of IETF security protocols since 1989. Currently, Dr. Galvin serves as the Vice-Chair of ICANN’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC).
His many years of technical consulting experience include critical infrastructure design and analysis, risk management, and project management at, among others, IETF, ICANN, Afilias, Navy Research Labs, Sun Microsystems, Drummond Group, and U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. He has also held positions at CommerceNet and Trusted Information Systems, and is the Founder and Principal at eList eXpress, an email list management service provider.
Dr. Galvin has a Bachelor of Science degree from Moravian College with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics. He holds a Masters in Computer Science and Information Systems from the University of Delaware where he also earned his Doctorate with a dissertation entitled, Distributed Cryptographic Key Management System.
Chris Grundemann, Director, Deployment and Operationalization, Internet Society
Chris Grundemann (JNCIE #449) is the Director of Deployment and Operationalization at the Internet Society where he focuses on developing and delivering programs to foster the uptake and use of key Internet technologies. Chris is the author of Day One: Exploring IPv6 and Day One: Advanced IPv6 Configuration, as well as several IETF Internet Drafts and various industry papers. He is the founding Chair of CO ISOC, the Colorado chapter of the Internet Society, a board member for the Rocky Mountain IPv6 Task Force (RMv6TF), an elected member of the ARIN Advisory Council (AC), an appointed member of the NANOG Program Committee (PC), Chair of the DLNA TC IPv6 Task Force, Co-Chair of the UPnP IPv6 Task Force, and a member of the CEA Pv6 Transition Working Group.
Chris also maintains a personal weblog aimed primarily towards Internet related posts typically focusing on network operation and design, tech-policy and the future of the Internet.
Timo Hilbrink, Networking Team, XS4ALL
With a background in electrical engineering, Timo has been working as a network engineer at XS4ALL since 1997, and has been working mostly on access and datacenter infrastructure. As part of the XS4ALL networking team, he is involved in adopting IPv6 both in the network as well as in the organisation.
XS4ALL currently serves around 90% of all IPv6 enabled eyeballs in The Netherlands.
Nick Hilliard, Chief Technology Officer, INEX
Nick Hilliard is the CTO of INEX, Ireland’s Internet exchange point. He’s been handling advanced IP design and engineering since 1995 and actively participates in many international forums such as RIPE, the IETF and Euro-IX. He is involved in developing European IP addressing and Internet Governance policy and creating technical standards for IXPs world-wide.
He lives and works in Dublin.
Mike Hughes, Freelance Consultant
Mike is a freelance consultant with over 15 years of industry experience, specialising in areas of multi-stakeholder relations, peering and interconnect, and technical evangelism.
Despite having a degree which has nothing to do with computing, Mike’s technical skills were forged in the fires of dial-up ISP tech support and network ops in the mid- to late-1990s, having to do mighty hacks to make things work, and the power of asking someone to /”Reboot and if it still doesn’t work, phone back”/.
Mike also serves on the Board of Directors and Programme Committee of UKNOF, and is Chair of the Board of Trustees of University of Greenwich Student’s Union.
Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman, Trainer, RIPE NCC
Nathalie Trenaman is a Trainer at the RIPE Network Coordination Centre (NCC). She travels throughout the RIPE NCC service region (Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia) to give training courses on a number of topics, including: Local Internet Registry (LIR), IPv6, and the Routing Registry.
Nathalie is also responsible for the ongoing development of all the IPv6 training course material.
Prior to joining the RIPE NCC, Nathalie spent eight years working for ISPs. To date, she has over ten years of experience in technical roles such as IPv4 and IPv6, DNS, domain names and network engineering.
Nathalie Trenaman joined the RIPE NCC in 2007 as an IP Resource Analyst in the Registration Services Department. Much of her work was focused on the area of Registration Data Quality (RDQ). In 2010 she joined the Training Team full time. In her spare time Nathalie is a board member for ColoClue, the Dutch Network Association.
Dave Wilson, Project Manager, HEAnet
Dave Wilson left college in 1996 expecting to become a software developer. He ended up working for HEAnet, the Irish National Research network, in their Network Development department, where he’s spent time developing networks and policy (at RIPE and elsewhere.) He now develops networks that are built through software, which seems to be a good compromise.