Internet Fragmentation, Reconsidered

There is a lot of talk these days about "fragmenting" the Internet, and different parts of the world having "local internet".

What does that mean? Should we be worried? Supportive? Dismayed? What happens to us if the Internet fragments into different parts? Is there anything we can or ought to do about Internet fragmentation?

Andrew Sullivan, our President and CEO, explored these questions, and opened a conversation among attendees about the dangers facing the Internet today. As a number of potentially troubling trends driven by technological developments, government policies and commercial practices ripple across the Internet’s layers, from the underlying infrastructures up to the applications, Internet fragmentation, if left unattended, could chip away to varying degrees at the Internet’s enormous capacity to facilitate human progress. These questions are critical to the future of the Internet.

Date and Time

14:00 – 15:00 UTC

Monday 06 February 2023

