ICANN62 Policy Forum is a four-day meeting focused on ICANN's current policy development work, outreach, and daily opportunities to network with the community.

This meeting is hosted by Autoridad Nacional para la Innovación Gubernamental.

  • ICANN meetings are held three times each year in different regions of the globe to enable attendees from around the world to participate in person. One meeting each year is also the organization’s annual general meeting, during which new Board members take their seats.
  • ICANN meetings are free and officially run five days (Monday to Friday). There are also a few pre-meeting workshops and working sessions when the volunteer members of our supporting organizations and advisory committees initiate their work.
  • ICANN meetings offer the best opportunity for face-to-face discussions and airing of opinions among knowledgeable people dedicated to the continued stable and secure operation of the Internet.
  • ICANN meetings offer a variety of sessions such as workshops, open forums, and working meetings on the development and implementation of Internet policies.
  • Remote participation is possible while the meetings are going on. We offer several tools such as streaming live audio and video, chatrooms, and online question boxes.
  • Detailed logistics and information about each meeting venue, registration, and remote participation can be found at the dedicated website created for each meeting.
  • ICANN’s Fellowship program supports attendance at ICANN meetings by selected individuals from stakeholder groups around the world.
Date and Time

Monday 25 June 2018 –

Thursday 28 June 2018


Megapolis Convention Center

Boulevard El Hayek, Panama City, Panama