Digital Safety and Security: What Next in a Post-COVID World?

The COVID-19 global health pandemic has amplified the importance of Internet security as many daily routines moved online and more people rely on the Internet to perform many of those functions. We need to trust that our communications are secure in order to continue to use the Internet. 

In a panel discussion on Thursday 3 September 2020 at the ITU’s Global Symposium for Regulators annual event, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, Senior Vice President for a Strong Internet at the Internet Society, shared insights on why governments alone could not address security challenges without embracing a multi-stakeholder, public/private, approach to developing viable solutions that would enable a more secure, resilient and trustworthy Internet for everyone.

Hall illustrated how the Internet Society’s MANRS initiative is a stand-out example of a collaborative security approach where more than 500 network operators and others worldwide collaborate to help ensure that Internet traffic is reliably routed around the world – a critical building block for a trustworthy, global Internet. And he made the case for why policymakers had to take steps to strengthen the security of the global routing system.

Date and Time

12:00 – 13:15 UTC

Thursday 03 September 2020

