Minutes of Board Meeting No. 84

13 Dec 2010, Conference Call

Author: S. Bradner
Date: 2010-12-13
Committee: BOT
Document: 10-84
Status: Unconfirmed
Maintainer: S. Bradner
Access: unlimited

84th Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society 13 December, 2010.

The ISOC Board of Trustees met from 3:04 PM to 4:56 PM EST on 13 December, 2010 via teleconference

The following members of the Board of Trustees were present:

  • Eric Burger
  • Narelle Clark
  • Raul Echeberria
  • Eva Frolich
  • Bob Hinden
  • Daniel Karrenberg
  • Khaled Koubaa
  • Alejandro Pisanty
  • Philip Smith
  • Lynn St.Amour
  • Bert Wijnen
  • Jonathan Zittrain
  • Apologies were received from Larry Lessig.

Also present were:

  • Scott Bradner (Secretary)
  • ISOC staff
  • Christopher Wilkenson

Minutes taken by Scott Bradner.

I. Welcome, Roll Call, Agenda, Ratification of Minutes, Apologies

Raul called the meeting to order at 3:04 PM EDT. He asked if anyone had any conflict of interest with any part of the agenda. No one did.

II. Recognition of New Chapters

Daniel moved to welcome the new ISOC chapters. Khaled seconded the motion, which passed by acclamation

Resolution 10-40: ISOC Board of Trustees Welcomes New Chapters
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Board of Trustees warmly welcomes the ISOC Costa Rica Chapter and the ISOC Sri Lanka Chapter which were chartered and approved since the last Board meeting

III. Business Plan and Budget Reviews

PURPOSE: Presentation of the revised 2011-2013 High Level Business Plan and Budget for Review and Approval.

Lynn introduced, and the board discussed, the revised business plan and budget. During the discussion Christopher Wilkenson reviewed the comments he had sent to the board and the board reviewed the staff reporting structure, the role and staffing of the regional bureaus, revenue diversification goals, the operating reserve, chapter support, and the direction of the organization.

Bob moved to adopt the 2011 budget. Khaled seconded the motion.

The motion was adopted with eight in favor and with Daniel, Alejandro and Philip abstaining.

Resolution 10-41: Approve the 2011 Budget as documented in the revised 2011-2013 Business Plan
RESOLVED, that the Board approve the 2011 Budget as documented in the revised 2011-2013 Business Plan

Bob moved to approve the revised 2011-2013 High Level Financial plan, Eva seconded the motion.

The board discussed the proposed financial plan. The board opinion was split on approving the plan now or waiting until after the board retreat.

The motion passed with 6 in favor, Bert, Daniel and Philip voting no and with Alejandro and Khaled abstaining.

Resolution 10-42: Approve the 2011-2013 High Level Financial plan
RESOLVED, that the Board approve the 2011-2013 High Level Financial plan as documented in revised 2011-2013 ISOC Business Plan and Budget submission.

IV. PIR funding

Eric moved to authorize accepting additional funding from PIR Bob seconded.  Eva made a friendly amendment to clarify the language in the motion, which Eric accepted. The motion was adopted unanimously by role call vote

Resolution 10-43: Accepting additional 2010 funding from PIR.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees directs ISOC’s President and CEO to accept additional 2010 contribution funds as made available by PIR during 2010;
Be It Further RESOLVED, that such funds be used for the following purposes, including restrictions at the direction of the PIR Board of Directors:

  • US$1,000,000 is to be used to fund the second contribution to W3C in 2010, as separately approved by the Board of Trustees  (Resolution 10-38 and included in the 2010 forecast incorporated within the 2011-2013 Business Plan and Budget; and
  • The remainder of restricted funds provided by PIR are to be used in support of the IETF as directed by future action of ISOC’s Board of Trustees.

Khaled moved to adjourn, Daniel seconded the motion, there being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 4:46 PM EST.

Summary of Resolutions

Resolution 10-40: ISOC Board of Trustees Welcomes New Chapters
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Board of Trustees warmly welcomes the ISOC Costa Rica Chapter and the ISOC Sri Lanka Chapter which were chartered and approved since the last Board meeting

Resolution 10-41: Approve the 2011 Budget as documented in the 2011-2013 Business Plan
RESOLVED, that the Board approve the 2011 Budget as documented in the 2011-2013 Business Plan

Resolution 10-42: Approve the 2011-2013 High Level Financial plan
RESOLVED, that the Board approve the 2011-2013 High Level Financial plan as documented in 2011-2013 ISOC Business Plan and Budget submission.

Resolution 10-43: Accepting additional 2010 funding from PIR.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees directs ISOC’s President and CEO to accept additional 2010 contribution funds as made available by PIR during 2010; Be It Further RESOLVED, that such funds be used for the following purposes, including restrictions at the direction of the PIR Board of Directors:

  • US$1,000,000 is to be used to fund the second contribution to W3C in 2010, as separately approved by the Board of Trustees  (Resolution 10:38 and included in the 2010 forecast incorporated within the 2011-2013 Business Plan and Budget; and
  • The remainder of restricted funds provided by PIR are to be used in support of the IETF as directed by future action of ISOC’s Board of Trustees.

All Board Meeting Minutes

No. 84 (13 December 2010)