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Global Tech Outage Demonstrates Need for Resiliency in Software Systems

Today’s global outage of many systems was not an Internet outage, but it demonstrates the need for greater resilience in all our technical systems.

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IPv6, DNSSEC, RPKI, etc.: What's the Holdup and How Can We Help?

Video: IPv6, DNSSEC, RPKI, etc.: What's the Holdup and How Can We Help? (USENIX LISA 2011)

Want to understand what we are doing with this Deploy360 initiative? (formerly called the "DO Hub") In this video, Deploy360 Director Richard Jimmerson explains the problem this project is aiming ...

Feedback/Volunteer forms added to the site

As this site moves along, I've now got forms active on the Feedback and Volunteer pages. Please feel free to use them to let us know your comments about the ...

DO Hub Team Presenting At USENIX LISA This Week in Boston

The full DO Hub team will be in Boston, MA, this week at the USENIX LISA '11 event: the 25th Large Installation System Administration Conference. On Thursday, December 7th, ...

Slides: How IPv6 Will Impact SIP and Telecommunications

How will IPv6 impact telecom?  And in particular the open standard of the SIP protocol?  Will telecommunications "just work" with IPv6? Or will it break? I recently attended the 7th ...

Slides: How IPv6 Will Impact SIP and Telecommunications

How will IPv6 impact telecom?  And in particular the open standard of the SIP protocol?  Will telecommunications "just work" with IPv6? Or will it break? I recently attended the 7th ...

Welcome to the Preview Release of the DO Hub!

Welcome to the "preview release" of the DO Hub web site!  While our full launch of the site isn't until December, we wanted to get a preview of the project ...

Richard Jimmerson Presenting At Australian IPv6 Summit 2011

Today in Melbourne, Australia, the director of our program, Richard Jimmerson, is speaking at the Australian IPv6 Summit 2011 on the topic of "How We Get There From Here: ISOC ...