Bangkok’s Neutral Peering Hub Scales Its Capacity Thumbnail
Infrastructure and Community Development 15 April 2021

Bangkok’s Neutral Peering Hub Scales Its Capacity

By Kittinan SriprasertGuest AuthorGuest Author
Bangkok Neutral Internet Exchange (BKNIX) recently expanded its Internet exchange capacity thanks to outstanding carrier-class equipment provided by the Internet Society

In 2015, Bangkok Neutral Internet Exchange (BKNIX) was launched with the ambition to fix slow Internet, improve online experience for users, and lower the cost of Internet access for people in Thailand. BKNIX knew it needed a platform where Internet Service Providers (ISPs), cloud service providers, Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), academia, and other entities could peer. So it organized a series of meetings and consultations with stakeholders, including the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), the regulator, and potential peers, between 2013 and 2014.

It equally needed Internet equipment that would facilitate traffic exchange and a neutral host. In 2014, it sought and received equipment from the Internet Society and the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC).

It received two exchange point switches, which allowed the IXP to be able to facilitate traffic exchange between networks. Driven by the Thailand Education and Research Network (UniNet), the IXP was able to set up at TCCT – Bangna Data Center in Bangna, located on the outskirts of Bangkok’s inner city and at Cyberworld Tower at CSL, a former ISP turned data center service provider.

BKNIX started with five members and grew to 10 in the first year. In 2019, that number had almost tripled, so BKNIX started making plans to expand its reach to other parts of the city. The plan was accelerated in 2020 when work and businesses moved online due to COVID-19 pandemic, putting an unprecedented pressure on IXPs . As traffic rose steeply, BKNIX realised it needed to scale its peering capacity with improved switching capabilities that would allow it to welcome new members at new locations to its exchange.

Fortunately for BKNIX, the Internet Society supported it with a switching device. The new switch, which can carry a peak data rate of terabits per second (Tbps) through 40G and 100G ports, is extending BKNIX’s service coverage from Bangkok to Chonburi, an attractive spot for local and international ISPs, CDNs, universities, and other carriers to exchange traffic locally.

With this carrier-class equipment and BKNIX’s dedicated team, we believe we can achieve our mission to improve Internet quality in Thailand.

Strong communities make a strong Internet. Join us on Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 1300 UTC for a virtual conversation about Infrastructure and Community Development.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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